Thanks to Kendrick Mayes ’12, a member of the 2007 Catawba Football team, for helping to support OUR Catawba Chiefs Club. We are very fortunate to have so many of our former student-athletes giving back.

Catawba Men’s Basketball 1990-1991
Thanks to former Catawba Basketball player Callum Brown ’95 and The Wilson Brown Sock Company for helping to support OUR Catawba Chiefs Club.

Catawba Basketball 1981-82

With a few days of manual labor from our Chiefs Club Board members and the members of the Catawba Tennis team, we are starting to make a lot of progress.
It was a good first day of progress on the Johnson Tennis Center painting project, with perfect weather and a very good group that came out to help. It is going to take a few more days to complete than originally planned, but with 14 people helping out starting at 7:30am, we got courts #3 & #4 scraped, cleaned, and the coat of primer down - this took about 2 ½ hours.
We had Chiefs Club Board members, our current tennis coaches, and several of the current team members, including a freshman player from Belarus who had never painted before.

