Fines & Fees for Alumni

Replacement Fines and Fees

Circulating & Popular Reading Collections

  • If the book is not returned within 90 days of the due date:
    • the patron is charged a minimum of $25.00 for the replacement cost
    • a non-refundable $25.00 processing fee
    • any accrued overdue fines.
  • If the book is returned within six months of the due date:
    • the replacement fee will be refunded, but all other charges remain.
  • If the book is returned six months after the due date:
    • the patron is responsible for all charges

Please note that we can only accept cash.

Headphones, External DVD Drives, USB Drive

If headphones, an external DVD drive, or the USB drive have not been returned within ten days of their due date, they are considered lost, and the patron will be charged an administrative fee of $25, a replacement fee (listed below), and $10 in overdue fines (minimum total of $55).  If the items are returned within 30 days of the due date and in proper working order, the replacement costs will be refunded.  If the items are returned by their due date, but are returned damaged, the patron may still be responsible for the applicable replacement fee (listed below).

  • Headphones: $25
  • External DVD Drive: $35
  • USB Drive: $20

If your record holds a fine/fee of $5.00 or more, your borrowing privileges are suspended until the fine is cleared at the Help Desk. Additionally, borrowing privileges may also be suspended for lost and/or overdue items. Please bring cash to clear any fines.

Contact Us

Corriher-Linn-Black Library

8am - 11pm
8am - 11pm
8am - 11pm
8am - 5pm (Spring Break)
8am - 5pm
5pm - 11pm (Spring Break)

Spring Break
March 8th-16th

Card Access Only
Sundays: All day
Mondays thru Thursdays: After 5pm
Fridays: N/A

320 Faculty Staff Cir
Salisbury, NC 28144
Full Library Calendar

This library is a congressionally designated depository for U.S. Government documents. Public access to the government documents collection is guaranteed by public law. (Title 44 United States Code).

Contact Constance Grant for more information about government documents