Item Type |
Loan Period |
Limitations |
Overdue Fines, Rates & Other Costs |
Circulating Collection Books |
30 days |
6 item limit; 1 renewal; Graphic Novel collection is limited to Catawba patrons only |
$.10/day; |
Popular Reading Books |
21 days |
5 item limit; no renewals |
$.25/day; |
Headphones, External DVD Drive, USB Drive |
2 days |
No renewals |
$1.00/day - $10.00 max.; |
Reference, Periodicals, Archives, Government Documents |
N/A |
In-Library Use Only |
N/A |
Checkout Items
If there’s something in particular you’d like to find, you can search our catalog for the availability and location of the item before arriving. However, our Help Desk staff members are always available to help with catalog searches and locating an item.
Once you’ve found the item(s) you want, bring it to the Help Desk with your library card (you must register as a Community Borrower to receive this card), and a staff member will check the item(s) out to you. All circulating books have 30-day checkout periods, and Popular Reading books have 21-day checkout periods. If you’d like to check out headphones, an external DVD drive, or a USB drive while you are in the library, bring your library card to the desk, and ask a staff member to check one out.
Please see our Fines & Fees page for replacement costs.
Items Unavailable For Checkout
DVDs, laptops, Omni portable chargers, reserve items, Graphic novels/comics, Reference books, periodicals, Government Documents, microfiche/microfilm, and archival/special collection materials are not available for community borrower/alumni checkout.
Return Items
Bring your items to a staff member at the Help Desk to return them. However, if the library is closed, an outdoor book drop is located at the library entrance (to your left), right before you enter the library. A staff member will retrieve the items once the library reopens. Please do not return headphones, an external DVD drive, or USB drive to book drops. Return them to a staff member at the Help Desk during normal operating hours.
Renew an Item
You can ask for a renewal in-person or over the phone. We do allow one renewal per Circulating item checkout (Popular Reading items cannot be renewed), but the item must be returned by the renewal due date. If you’d like to check the item out again, please allow 48 hours before checking out the item again. Please note that if a Catawba patron requests this item, it may be recalled (requested for immediate return) for their use.
Corriher-Linn-Black Library
Spring Break
March 8th-16th
Card Access Only
Sundays: All day
Mondays thru Thursdays: After 5pm
Fridays: N/A
Salisbury, NC 28144