Our library staff is happy to meet with your classes. We will work with you in advance to create course-integrated library sessions that focus on the specific needs of your students.

These active learning sessions typically cover topics such as, using the library catalog to find books, evaluating trustworthy materials, and identifying and searching relevant databases. These sessions are usually held in the Wentz Instruction Area, but other accommodations can be discussed. You can also request creation of a Research Guide specifically tailored for your class.
Please fill out the form below to request instruction and additional information:
Library Instruction Request Form
Tips on Getting the Best Instruction Experience
- Build library instruction into your syllabus. Schedule your class for librarian instruction at about the point when they need to start their research. Students will be more alert and attentive when deadlines are looming in the near future.
- Schedule early! Contact us as early as possible. Our library classroom is in demand at certain times of the semester. Also, scheduling well in advance allows librarians the time to develop a thorough Research Guide as well as time for adequate consultation with the professor.
- Provide us with assignment information. A copy of your syllabus or major assignment helps us prepare a lesson relevant to your students’ projects.
- Attend the class with your students. Your participation in the library class ensures that your students focus, engage more deeply, and see the high value that faculty place on research in the library. It also allows for valuable interchange between faculty, students, and librarian.
- Have your students meet with a librarian. As a follow-up to the class, we would love to guide students to resources appropriate to their specific project. We are more than happy to schedule appointments for individual students, particularly if they are having some trouble finding or deciphering information.
- Keep in touch with your librarian. Let us know what worked and what didn’t, and share any success stories from your class.
Please contact Amanda Bosch to discuss the possibilities!
Corriher-Linn-Black Library
Spring Break
March 8th-16th
Salisbury, NC 28144