Carmony Hartwig, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Biology / Director of Undergraduate Research and Creativity

- Associate Professor
- Director of Undergraduate Research and Creativity
- B.S., College of William and Mary
- M.S., Ph.D., Old Dominion University
Post-Graduate Experience
Biology Instructor, Rowan-Cabarrus Community College, Salisbury, NC, January – May
2012 (Spring Semester)
Visiting Scientist, Catawba College, Department of Biology, Salisbury, NC, February
2012-February 2013
Research Scientist/Training Consultant, American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) –
Malaria Research and Reference Reagent Resource Center (MR4) Division, Manassas,
VA, December 2011 (Short-term contract)
Senior Biologist, American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) – Malaria Research and
Reference Reagent Resource Center (MR4) Division, Manassas, VA, February 2010-July
Old Dominion University, Ph.D., Biomedical Sciences, August 2009
Old Dominion University, M.S. Program, Biotechnology, 2001-2004
College of William and Mary, B.S., Biology, May 2001
Honors and Awards
American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, Committee of Molecular, Cellular
and Immunoparasitology (ACMCIP) Scientific Award, ASTMH, November 2007
Virginia S. Bagley Merit Scholarship, Old Dominion University, 2006-2007
Virginia S. Bagley Merit Scholarship, Old Dominion University, 2003-2004
Honorable Mention Student Paper Competition, Virginia Academy of Sciences Annual
meeting (Medical Sciences Section), University of Virginia, May 2003
Honorable Mention Student Presentation Competition, Biology Graduate Student
Organization Annual Spring Symposium, Old Dominion University, March 2003
Hartwig, C. L. 3
Ethnopharmacological potential of the Namibian Combretaceae for antimalarial
development, University of Namibia, collaboration with Dr. Erika Maass and Dr.
Davis Mumbengegwi, 2009-present
Probing the antimalarial mechanism of action of 1,2,4-trioxolanes in Plasmodium
falciparum, collaboration with Dr. Roland A. Cooper, Dominican University of
California, and Dr. Adam R. Renslo, University of California, San Francisco, 2009-
Development and standardization of fluorescence-based assays to determine
antimalarial inhibition and phenotype response profiles of Plasmodium
falciparum isolates in the MR4 collection, laboratory of Dr. Timothy T. Stedman,
ATCC-MR4 Division, 2009-2011
Antimalarial effects of oxidized hydroxy-cis terpenone (OHCT) on cholesterol
uptake and distribution in Plasmodium falciparum, collaboration with Dr.
Ghislaine Mayer, Virginia Commonwealth University, 2009-2011
Lipid targets of the antimalarial trioxanes in Plasmodium falciparum, laboratory of
Dr. Roland A. Cooper, Old Dominion University, 2004-2009
Thermoregulation and ecophysiology of the plant family Hydnoraceae, University of
Namibia, research assistant in the laboratory of Dr. Erika Maass, February-April 2009
Development of a PCR-based assay for detection and characterization of a novel
herpes-like virus, PaV1, in the Caribbean spiny lobster, Panulirus argus,
laboratory of Dr. Robert E. Ratzlaff, Old Dominion University, 2002-2004
Digital measurement of the root growth response to long-term exposure to elevated
atmospheric CO2 in a Florida oak-scrub ecosystem, laboratory of Dr. Frank Day,
Jr., Old Dominion University, 2001-2002
Teaching Experience
Instructor, Catawba Conservation Camp (C3), Catawba College, July 2012
Adjunct Instructor, General Biology I, Rowan-Cabarrus Community College, January -
May 2011
Laboratory Teaching Assistant, Plant Physiology, University of Namibia, March 2009
Instructor/Teaching Assistant, Molecular and Immunological Techniques Laboratory
Course, Old Dominion University, 2006-2007, 2007-2008
Hartwig, C. L. 4
Administrative/ Supervisory Experience
Research Scientist/Training Consultant, American Type Culture Collection, December
Manager/Instructor of Epifluorescent Microscopy Unit, Old Dominion University, 2005-
Manager, Malaria Research Laboratory, 2004-2009
Manager, Immunology Research Laboratory, 2002-2004
Software Advisor, Data Analysis using SAS/FoxPro for Root Growth, Old Dominion
University, 2002
Extracurricular Workshops and Activities
Center for Teaching and Learning Summer Institute for Professional Development,
Rowan-Cabarrus Community College (May-June 2012)
Biology Graduate Student Organization, Old Dominion University (member 2001-
present; Vice President, 2004-2005)
Graduate Student Association, Old Dominion University (Founding Member, 2003)
Paper Presentations
Hartwig, C. L. and T. T. Stedman. Optimization and standardization of a fluorescencebased assay to determine antimalarial growth inhibition in Plasmodium falciparum.
American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, Atlanta, GA, November 2010.
Thavamani, R., C. L. Hartwig and T. T. Stedman. Comparative analysis of mutations in
Plasmodium falciparum dhps and resistance to sulfadoxine. American Society of
Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, Atlanta, GA, November 2010.
Hartwig, C. L., T. Furuya and T. T. Stedman. Standardization of fluorescence-based
assays to determine antimalarial inhibition of Plasmodium falciparum growth and
viability. Molecular Parasitology Meeting, Woods Hole, MA, 2010.
Hartwig, C. L., E. M. W. Lauterwasser, J. M. Hoke, S. Mahajan, A. R. Renslo and R. A.
Cooper. Targeting of neutral lipid bodies by synthetic trioxolane antimalarials supports a
common mechanism of endoperoxide action in Plasmodium falciparum. Molecular
Parasitology Meeting, Woods Hole, MA, 2010.
Hartwig, C. L., J. M. Hoke, A. S. Rosenthal, J. G. D’ Angelo, S. Eksi, G. H. Posner, K.
C. Williamson, and R. A. Cooper. Activity of artemisinin trioxanes against Plasmodium
falciparum gametocytes is associated with parasite neutral lipids. Molecular Parasitology
Meeting, Woods Hole, MA, 2008.
Hartwig, C. L., A. S. Rosenthal, J. D’ Angelo, G. H. Posner and R. A. Cooper.
Artemisinin derivatives localize within digestive vacuole-associated neutral lipid bodies
in Plasmodium falciparum. American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene,
Philadelphia, PA, November 2007.
Hartwig, C. L. 5
Hartwig, C. L., A. S. Rosenthal, J. D’ Angelo, G. H. Posner and R. A. Cooper.
Artemisinin derivatives localize within digestive vacuole-associated neutral lipid bodies
in Plasmodium falciparum. Molecular Parasitology Meeting, Woods Hole, MA, 2007.
Hartwig, C. L., A. S. Rosenthal, G. H. Posner and R. A. Cooper. Artemisinin derivatives
localize within digestive vacuole-associated neutral lipid bodies in Plasmodium
falciparum. American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, Atlanta, GA,
November 2006.
Hartwig, C. L. and R. A. Cooper. Morphological effects of artemisinin treatment on the
Plasmodium falciparum digestive vacuole. American Society of Tropical Medicine and
Hygiene, Washington D.C., December 2005.
Hartwig, C. L. and R. A. Cooper. Morphological effects of artemisinin treatment on the
Plasmodium falciparum digestive vacuole. Molecular Parasitology Meeting, Woods
Hole, MA, September 2005.
Cooper, R. A., K. D. Lane, M. T. Ferdig, B. Deng, J. Mu and C. L. Hartwig. A single
amino acid change in transmembrane domain nine of PfCRT restores chloroquine
sensitivity to Plasmodium falciparum. Research Day, Old Dominion University, Norfolk,
VA, April 2005.
Cooper, R. A., K. D. Lane, M. T. Ferdig, B. Deng, J. Mu and C. L. Hartwig. A single
amino acid change in transmembrane domain nine of PfCRT restores chloroquine
sensitivity to Plasmodium falciparum. American Society of Tropical Medicine and
Hygiene, Miami, FL, December 2004.
Cooper, R. A., K. D. Lane, M. T. Ferdig, B. Deng, J. Mu and C. L. Hartwig. A single
amino acid change in transmembrane domain nine of PfCRT restores chloroquine
sensitivity to Plasmodium falciparum. Molecular Parisitology Meeting, Woods Hole,
MA, October 2004.
Ratzlaff, R. E., C. L. Hartwig, R. A. Cooper, W. L. Hynes and J. D. Shields. A
pathogenic herpes-like virus from the Caribbean spiny lobster: Isolation of the virus and
evidence of an innate host response. Experimental Biology Meeting, Washington D.C.,
April 2004.
Hartwig, C. L., R. A. Cooper, W. L. Hynes and R. E. Ratzlaff. Detection of a pathogenic
herpes-like virus from the Caribbean spiny lobster, Panulirus argus (HLV-PA) using a
Nested PCR approach. American Society of Microbiology, Charlottesville, VA,
November 2003.
Hartwig, C.L. and R.E. Ratzlaff. Characterization of a herpes-like virus (HLV-PA) of
the Caribbean Spiny Lobster, Panulirus argus. Annual Meeting of the Virginia Academy
of Sciences, Charlottesville, VA, May 2003.
Hartwig, C. L. 6
Day, F. P., A. L. Pagel, C. L. Hartwig, B. T. Herbert and J. J. Dilustro. Response of roots
to six years of exposure to elevated atmospheric CO2 in an oak-scrub ecosystem in
Florida. Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, Boone, NC, August 2002.
Hartwig, C. L., E. M. W. Lauterwasser, S. S. Mahajan, J. M. Hoke, R. A. Cooper and A.
R. Renslo. 2011. Investigating the antimalarial action of 1,2,4-trioxolanes with
fluorescent chemical probes. J Med Chem. 54(23):8207-13. Epub 2011 Nov 9.
Hartwig, C. L., A. S. Rosenthal, J. D’ Angelo, C.E. Griffin, G. H. Posner and R. A.
Cooper. 2009. Accumulation of artemisinin trioxane derivatives within neutral lipids of
Plasmodium falciparum malaria parasites is endoperoxide-dependent. Biochem Pharm.
Li, C., J. D. Shields, H. J. Small, K. S. Reece, C. L. Hartwig, R. A. Cooper and R. E.
Ratzlaff. 2006. Detection of Panulirus argus Virus 1 (PaVI) in the Caribbean spiny
lobster using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Dis Aquat Organ. 72:185-192.
Cooper, R. A., C. L. Hartwig and M. T. Ferdig. 2005. pfcrt is more than the Plasmodium
falciparum chloroquine resistance gene: a functional and evolutionary perspective. Acta
Tropica. 94:170-180.