Featured News Content
ID: 322
Name: Featured News Content
Description: Add the single featured news to the page
This content type allows you to select a news story and feature this in a large gray box.
How to use
When selecting the news story please use the "Content Link" button and select the News item of content within a section.
Content Element Details
Name | Description | Size | Type | Required |
Name | The Name Element | 80 Characters | Plain Text | true |
News Story | Select a News story content using the content internal link | 80 Characters | Section/Content Link | true |
Catawba College Receives $200M Gift
Catawba College has received $200 million for its endowment. Given by an anonymous donor, the gift is the largest in the college's 170-year history. "This extraordinary gift is an affirmation of the quality of education at Catawba College and reflects the donor's ambition for Catawba to flourish for...