General Content

ID: 328
Name: General Content
Description: Adds the general content to a page

The General Content content type will utilize the TinyMCE editor to allow you to add rich content that can include:

  • Styling
  • Links
  • Doucments
  • Images
    • Position Left
    • Position Right
    • Position Center

Content Element Details

NameThe Name Element80 CharactersPlain Texttrue
Sub HeadingThis is the content sub-heading 500 CharactersPlain Textfalse
Main bodyThis is the main body99999999 CharactersHtmlfalse

Ranked as one of the best regional colleges in the South, we offer 70+ fields of study, career preparation and remarkable support.

Floating Box
This is image left layout

For a small college, we inspire big dreams.

Located in Salisbury, North Carolina, Catawba College is a small college (about 1,300 students) where professors, staff members and other students will encourage you to pursue big dreams. You will transform your ideas of what’s possible through classes, mentoring, internships, research, study abroad and service. The result? A clearer sense of your life’s work and the résumé to make it happen.

Up for a challenge?

At Catawba College, we will inspire you to excel intellectually. We'll encourage you to grow through small, interactive classes, research projects, fieldwork, dinners at professors’ homes, honors symposia, after-class discussions, competitions, travel courses, and the magic of our supportive community.