Hero Header Content Type

ID: 314
Name: Hero Header
Description: Add the hero header with image or video or with no media to a standard internal page

The hero header can be used to display:

  • Header with image
  • Header with video
  • Header with no media

Only one header can be displayed on one page and this can be displayed on any page layout apart from News.


The header above demonstrates Header with video, the others can be found below:

Content Element Details

NameThe Name Element80 CharactersPlain Texttrue
Hero Image (1440x617)Select an image from the media library. This large version is required if you are adding an image80 CharactersMediafalse
Hero Image (980 x 980)Select an image from the media library. This smaller version is required if you are adding an image.80 CharactersMediafalse
Hero VideoEnter the Vimeo/YouTube video URL250 CharactersPlain Textfalse
Output no mediaSelect the checkbox to output no media. Select this only if no image or video is added80 CharactersCheckboxfalse
Page TitleEnter the title for the page80 CharactersPlain Texttrue
Sub Menu NavigationSelect the navigation hierarchy of the menu to be displayed from site structure80 CharactersSelect Boxfalse
Filter TabsCheck if page has filter tabs80 CharactersCheckboxfalse