Related News Content

ID: 326
Name: Related News Content
Description: Adds the 3 featured news content items to a page by manually selecting them using internal content link

This content type will allow you to add three news stories that match the keyword selection that has been made. This is done with an AND or OR logic.

Other options will allow for a title and description to be added.

Content Element Details

NameThe Name Element80 CharactersPlain Texttrue
Pre-TitleEnter the pre-title for the section50 CharactersPlain Textfalse
TitleEnter the title for the section80 CharactersPlain Texttrue
DescriptionEnter the description for the section250 CharactersPlain Texttrue
Button TextEnter the text for the Call to Action50 CharactersPlain Texttrue
Button Link (internal)Select a section/content for an internal link80 CharactersSection/Content Linkfalse
Button Link (external)Only enter this if you are NOT entering an internal link200 CharactersPlain Textfalse
News CategorySelect the category from the list for which the news needs to be displayed.80 CharactersKeyword Selectortrue