Utility Links

ID: 332
Name: Utility Links
Description: Add the common utility links in the header and footer of the page

This system content type will power the following links:

  • Apply
  • Request Info
  • Visit
  • Give

These are located:

  • Hero menu
    • Desktop
    • Mobile
  • Footer

These links are located Home » Catawba College » Site Assets » Utility Links

Content Element Details

NameThe Name Element80 CharactersPlain Texttrue
Apply LinkSelect a section/content for an internal link80 CharactersSection/Content Linktrue
Request Info LinkSelect a section/content for an internal link80 CharactersSection/Content Linktrue
Visit LinkSelect a section/content for an internal link80 CharactersSection/Content Linktrue
Give LinkSelect a section/content for an internal link80 CharactersSection/Content Linktrue