Article 1. Organization
This organization shall be known as the Alpha Delta chapter of Gamma Sigma Epsilon, National Chemistry Honor Society, Catawba College, Salisbury, North Carolina.
Article 2. Purpose
The purpose of this organization shall be to recognize outstanding students demonstrating exceptional ability and interest in the field of chemistry. It aims to promote professionalism and scholarship in chemistry and the general welfare of its members.
Article 3. Membership
A. The following criteria shall be used as guideline requirements for membership:
- Active membership of the Chapter shall be composed of students who have completed a minimum of 16 credit-hours in chemistry (generally one year of general chemistry and two more advanced courses) with a minimum grade point average of 3.00 in all chemistry courses and at least a 3.00 overall grade point average.
- Transfer students shall be eligible for membership after one semester at Catawba College in which they have taken one chemistry course if they also meet the requirements for membership in article 3, section A, 1).
- Students who are outstanding in chemistry and who will complete the requirements for membership by the end of the semester may be nominated for membership upon the recommendation of the Chemistry faculty.
- A graduating senior whose academic record in chemistry is satisfactory for the preceding year, but whose overall scholastic average is slightly below that required for membership, may be elected to membership by special recommendation of Chemistry faculty and 2/3 vote of the current active members.
- Alumni who did not become members while at Catawba College and have distinguished themselves as graduate students or professionals in the field, may be elected to membership upon special recommendation by the Chemistry faculty.
- Candidates for membership must present a letter of recommendation from at least one Catawba chemistry faculty member.
B. Election of Members:
- Candidates nominated for membership shall be chosen once a semester, and shall receive a written invitation from the society to join.
- Prior to the election of new members, the Keeper of the Formulas (secretary) shall present a list of all candidates who have been nominated and who meet the requirements of Article 3, Section A.
- A candidate must receive a majority vote of a quorum of 50% of the current active members present at the meeting called for the purpose of electing new members. An active member may vote by absentee ballot; it is the responsibility of the absent member to submit an absentee ballot to the secretary prior to the vote in question.
C. Expulsion of Members
- Members must maintain a 2.80 GPA overall and a 2.50 GPA chemistry.
- Members of the Chapter who are found guilty of conduct unworthy of the high standards of the Society by majority action of the Chapter members may be recommended to the National Executive Council for expulsion.
Article 4. Officers
A. The officers of the society and their duties shall be the following:
- The Grand Alchemist (president) shall preside at all meetings, shall appoint all committees, and act as an ex-officio member of those committees.
- The Alchemist's Apprentice (vice-president) shall preside over meetings in the absence of the Grand Alchemist, and shall plan programs in conjunction with the Faculty Advisor and other officers.
- The Keeper of the Formulas (secretary) shall keep all records and papers pertinent to the chapter including minutes of meetings, roll of members, list of eligible perspective members, all correspondences, and an annual historical account of the chapter's activities.
- The Keeper of the Solvents (treasurer) shall be responsible for the funds and finances of the chapter.
B. The election of officers shall be at the last meeting of the academic year or no later than the first meeting of the new year. The officers of the society shall serve as a nominating committee.
C. If the office of Grand Alchemist should become vacant, the duties of that office shall be assumed by the Alchemist's Apprentice. Special elections shall be held to fill all other unexpired terms of officers which become vacant for any reason. The Keeper of the Formula shall advise all members of the intended special election at least one week in advance of the date set for the election.
Article 5. Meeting
A. Meetings shall be held at the call of the officers, members, or Faculty Advisor whenever necessary for the purpose of conducting business, for election of new members, or for special programs, but not less than once per semester.
B. A quorum consisting of 50% of the active membership shall be required to conduct business.
C. To retain active status, a member must attend at least one meeting each academic year. An inactive member will regain active status upon attending two consecutive meetings.
Article 6. Finances
Each new member, at the time of pledging shall pay the initiation fee required by the National Office plus annual membership dues of $ 2.00. All current members will pay the annual membership dues of $2.00 at the beginning of each academic year. Other special assessments may be made by a majority vote of the members.
Article 7. Amendments
A. Amendments to these By-Laws must be presented at a regular meeting of the chapter and shall be voted on at the next regular meeting. Amendments must be approved by a 2/3 vote of the active members of the chapter. It is the duty of the secretary to see that all members are acquainted with the proposed amendments well in advance of the date schedules for the voting.
B. No chapter may pass a local by-law that conflicts with the National Constitution and By-laws of the Society.
Article 8. Jurisprudence
This chapter shall be under the direction of the Executive Council of the Gamma Sigma Epsilon national chemistry honorary. Chapter members shall uphold the high academic standards, rules, and regulations of Catawba College. It shall be the duty of each member to participate in the activities of the local chapter and to promote among non-members the high scholastic standards necessary for chapter membership.