Hours and Location
The Information Technology (IT) Help Desk is located in Leonard Lounge of the Student Center. The full department is located in the basement of Hoke Hall, with the public entrance on the campus side of the building. The Help Desk and office are open Monday through Friday, 8:00am-5:00 p.m. during the academic year.
My Catawba
My Catawba is a web-based portal that allows students to register for classes online as well as view their personal information and announcements, class schedules, grades, housing information, degree audits, and more. Faculty and staff can advise students, see class rosters, and more. Online grading for faculty and online course evaluations for students and instructors are offered through My Catawba.
Before logging into MyCatawba for the very first time, please refer to this guide.
My Catawba App
This app is available for download on the App and Google Play stores. Features include:
- Orientation Information
- Athletics Information
- Directory
- Videos
- Events
- Alerts
- Ride Share
- Market Place
- Lost & Found
- and much more!
Technology Information and Tutorials
Technology information and tutorials are available on it.catawba.edu.
Information about scheduled downtime for Catawba software systems and/or the network.
Computer Account Setup
Accounts are automatically created for students and employees. Once created, your Catawba username is emailed to your personal email address on record in the Banner system. If you do not receive this email, students should contact Admissions and employees should contact Human Resources. You will go the website indicated in the email to claim your account by answering questions from your information that we have on file.
Next you will change your password to something more secure by following these instructions.
This Catawba username and password gives you access to the network, email, Blackboard, My Catawba, and most Catawba IT systems.
Reset Password
Instructions to reset your password can be found here.
Your email address is username@catawba.edu. Check your Catawba email anywhere there is internet access by logging in to MyCatawba and then clicking the “Webmail” icon in the upper right-hand corner. Maximum email storage space is 50GB. Maximum email message size is 25 MB with a maximum attachment size of 10MB. You can elect to temporarily or permanently forward your @catawba.edu email to another email address. To do this, log in to CatLink. Click on the My Account tab. In the USER INFORMATION channel, click the Change Email Forward link and follow the instructions to set up an email forward in WebMail.
Outlook and Smartphone Email Access
- Microsoft Outlook is another option for interfacing with the Catawba email system. A one-time Outlook user profile setup is necessary on each computer where Outlook will be used.
- Any smartphone can be set up to read Catawba email. Smartphones that support ActiveSync can also keep your contacts and calendars in synch between your smartphone and your Catawba email.
- See it.catawba.edu for more details
Office and Office 365
- The Microsoft Office software suite, which includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and more, is installed on all College-owned equipment.
- Students and employees can install Microsoft Office on up to 5 computing devices (including PC, Mac, most smartphones and tablets) at no charge.
- Office 365 includes OneDrive for Business: 1 terabyte of cloud-based file storage that you can access from any device, anywhere you have access to the internet. You can optionally sync your OneDrive in the cloud to a folder on your computer called OneDrive@Catawba College and access your files using the file management tools on your local computer. You can also choose to share files with others and collaborate on a document online.
- Office 365 includes Teams: a cloud-based collaboration space for teams of faculty, staff, and students to work together. Allows file-sharing and editing (both real-time and asynchronous) as well as seamless chat and videoconferencing between team members. Any user can create a team and invite members; the team creator/owner controls the access of the invited members.
Blackboard is a web-based software package that allows faculty members to post assignments and class information for students, and create an online learning environment that augments the classroom learning experience. All faculty, staff, and students have a Blackboard account. Your username and password are the same as your network account. To access Blackboard, login to MyCatawba. Under the QUICK LINKS channel on the Home tab, click the Blackboard link. A Blackboard Learn mobile app is also available, and free to all Catawba students and employees. For more information, visit the BLACKBOARD channel on the MyCatawba Technology tab.
Computer Labs
- The Hedrick Administration building houses one lab in room 228. There are 25 Windows 10 stations available from 8 a.m. – 5 p.m., Monday – Friday, except during scheduled class times. A Canon color printer/copier/scanner is available.
- The Corriher-Linn-Black Library offers desktop computers on the information commons and mezzanine levels for campus use. Three Canon color printer/copier/scanner devices are also available for campus use throughout these levels. At the library Help Desk, several laptops are available for 48-hour checkout to students. The hours to access all of these devices are the same as the library hours.
- Each computer is equipped with a full suite of software, including Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access), Project, Visio, Visual Studio.NET, SPSS/SAS, and Adobe Creative Suite Design Premium (Acrobat, Photoshop, Illustrator, and more).
- Many departments have labs with discipline-specific hardware and software, such as the Digital Media/Theatre Arts* lab in the Whitener room of the Cannon Student Center, the Sciences lab in Shuford 301, and the GIS lab* in Center for the Environment 208. The * labs have a Canon color printer/copier/scanner available.
One Drive
OneDrive for Business, providing 1 terabyte of cloud-based storage for employees and students to save documents.
Printing and Copying
There are no limits on printing/copying.
Catawba utilizes a centralized campus print queue named Uniflow. When printing from most College-owned computers on campus, Catawba Print is the default printer. Additionally, you may send output to this queue from any personally-owned computing device by logging into your Catawba email account and emailing print@catawba.edu.
The documents will be available on any accessible Canon multi-function device on campus. Log into the device via your Catawba ONE Card or via your Catawba username and password.
Network Access for Personal Computers
Wired and wireless network access is available in all campus buildings. To connect, select the wireless network named Catawba and log in using your Catawba username and password. Gaming consoles should be connected to the Catawba Guest network.
Note that mobile hotspots are prohibited on campus, as is the installation of personal wireless access points/routers, all of which are likely to disrupt the performance and operation of campus wi-fi.
Network Access for Personal Printers
Note that personally-owned wireless printers are likely to disrupt the performance and operation of campus wi-fi and are prohibited. Such printers can be utilized via direct wired USB connection to the computer provided the printer is not still broadcasting a wireless SSID.
Streaming Service in Residence Halls
All students, faculty, and staff have the ability to stream television through the SpectrumU app. This app is available to be installed on android, ios, and roku devices.
Register your emergency contact information so that the College can communicate with you in the event of a campus emergency or a school delay or closure. To register, click CatawbAlerts in the USER INFORMATION channel on the CatLink Home tab.
Policies & Procedures
Members of the College community are expected to abide by the College’s information technology policies at all times. These policies can be found at Catawba.edu/itpolicies.
Information about working and teaching remotely and/or online, as well as being prepared in the event that work or academic functions are disrupted for a prolonged period of time and it is necessary to work or teach a class off campus.