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Residency Licensure

Mode of Study:
Degree Level:
Undergraduate, Licensure, Non-Degree
Degree Types:
School of Education

A Residency License (RL) in North Carolina allows qualified individuals to begin teaching while completing licensure requirements. The Residency License is a one-year license that can be renewed twice, for up to a three-year licensure cycle. 

NOTE: Currently, Catawba College serves Residency Licensure candidates seeking a Birth-Kindergarten license (full program online).  Catawba also provides the culminating coursework (internship and seminar courses) leading to licensure for graduates of Catawba College who completed the major in Elementary Education, Special Education, Middle Grades Education or the minor in Secondary Education or Special Subjects (with their content area major) but did not complete student teaching prior to graduation. Once these candidates are employed for a Residency Licensure position and have met the requirements below, they can reapply for admittance to the Residency Licensure program at Catawba College to complete the remaining courses for licensure.

The School of Education at Catawba College has the following requirements to enter Residency Licensure program:

  • Candidates must be employed in the field in which they seek certification.  This is verified by a completed RL form from your Human Resources director. 
  • Candidates must have 24 hours of course credit in the area for which they seek certification. Candidates must have completed pedagogy courses required by the state of North Carolina for licensure. 
  • Candidates must have a GPA of 2.70 or greater. 
  • Candidates must pass the licensure exams required for their certification area prior to entering the program. 

Prior to completion of the program and to qualify for licensure recommendation, candidates must:

  • Candidates must take and pass edTPA, (professional portfolio) while enrolled in the program at Catawba. 
  • Candidates must complete the internship and professional seminar courses and must be currently employed in the required subject area to support this coursework. 

Once you complete your Catawba application, please submit copies of your transcripts to

We will evaluate your transcripts and formulate a plan of coursework to meet your needs.

For further information, please contact Dr. Donna James, Chair, Department of Teacher Education.

We look forward to working with you!