Music Education Courses
Music Education Concentration
MUS 0111
Music Seminar
A practical study of music through observation and participation. (S/U Grading)
MUS 0390
Half Recital
A performance through which the student demonstrates in a public setting technical proficiency and mastery of performance practice, stylistic interpretation and artistic sensitivity in their primary performance medium. Practical aspects of the course include selecting dates for the hearing and the performance, assembling and preparing program materials, program printing, public announcements, and other logistical preparations. Student will present a program of approximately 20-30 minutes in length. Prerequisites: MUS 1512, MUS 1517, MUS 2136, MUS 3713, Junior standing and successful completion of the Sophomore Performance Review. (S-U grading)
MUS 1113
World Music
A study of musical styles and concepts as practiced in various cultural, political and social contexts throughout the world.
MUS 2137
Class Piano III
Laboratory instruction continuing at the intermediate level offered as preparation for piano proficiency. Corequisite: MUS 2521.
MUS 2138
Class Piano IV
Laboratory instruction at the advanced level offered as preparation for meeting piano proficiency. Satisfactory completion of this course will meet the piano proficiency requirement. Corequisite: MUS 2522.
MUS 2145
Class Voice:(Mus/Mus Thea Maj)
The study of the basic techniques of singing.
MUS 2221
String Methods
The study of string instrument playing with emphasis on methods of teaching in public schools.
MUS 2222
Woodwind Methods
The study of woodwind instrument playing with emphasis on methods of teaching in the public schools.
MUS 2223
Brass Methods
The study of brass instrument playing with emphasis on methods of teaching in the public schools.
MUS 2224
Percussion Methods
The study of percussion instrument playing with emphasis on methods of teaching in the public schools.
MUS 2521
Music Theory III
Continuation of the study of harmony, including expanded diatonic resources and an introduction to chromatic harmony and modulation. Prerequisite: MUS 1512. Corequisite: MUS 2525.
MUS 2522
Music Theory IV
Continuation of the study of harmony, including advanced chromaticism and an introduction to twentieth-century compositional techniques. Prerequisite: MUS 2521. Corequisite: MUS 2526.
MUS 2525
Aural Skills III
A continuation of the development of sight- singing, dictation and listening skills to include chromatic material and complex meters. Corequisite: MUS 2521.
MUS 2526
Aural Skills IV
MUS 3537
Music in the Elementary School
MUS 3546
Curr, Meth & Mat: Middle & Sec
A study of current programs, methods, and materials for teaching music in the middle and secondary school.
MUS 3732
Choral Conducting
A course designed to help the student develop an understanding of the basics of choral conducting and practice the techniques of conducting with musical examples provided in the text. Learning activities will include class discussion, observation, performance attendance, and conducting various ensembles. Prerequisite: MUS 1512 or MUS 1312
MUS 3733
Instrumental Conducting/Arrang
A course designed to help the student develop an understanding of the basics of conducting and arranging for instrumental ensembles. Skills will be developed through observations, practice exercises, and in real-life applications with musical examples provided in the text. Prerequisite: MUS 3732.
MUS 4500
Capstone in Music Education
Applications of music concepts, current research, teaching methods, and teaching strategies in the public schools (which may range from elementary through secondary schools, choral, and/or instrumental), that can be applied concurrent with the student teaching experience (EDUC 4007). Course objectives will include, but are not limited to, sequential lesson planning, practical teaching applications, and applications of current research and strategies in reflective practices, classroom management, and evaluation of learning skills in music.
Applied Music (7)
Music Ensemble (minimum of 7 semesters - 7 hours) - Must be selected according to student’s principal instrument
Instrumental: MUS 1195
Vocal: MUS 1193 or MUS 1196
Keyboard: MUS 1193, MUS 1195, MUS 1196