Catawba College has once again been recognized for its honorable commitment to engaged, hands-on education by Colleges of Distinction, a one-of-a-kind guide for college-bound students. Among these institutions, Catawba excels at graduating students into the workforce with solid, well-developed critical thinking skills as well as the ability to adapt in an ever-changing society.
In addition to being recognized as a 2022-23 College of Distinction, Catawba was also named a North Carolina College of Distinction and earned specialized recognition in the individual areas of business and education. As an additional honor, Catawba has also been awarded for its Career Development efforts.
Colleges of Distinction’s selection process goes beyond the overview of statistics, data, and the size of the endowment which is typical of other popular college guide classifications. Instead, they use a selection process comprised of a sequence of in-depth research and detailed interviews. They accept only schools that adhere to the guide’s four distinctions: engaged students, great teaching, vibrant community, and successful outcomes. These principles are all informed by the High-Impact Practices to prioritize the ways that institutions enable students to have a fulfilling, individualized college experience both inside and outside of the classroom.
Few questions are going to be on students’ minds more often than some version of “What am I going to do after graduation?” Conveniently, schools awarded the Career Development badge have shown that they are well equipped to help their students graduate with confidence. The badge recognizes schools with comprehensive four-year plans, advising, and more.
“When we focus all of our attention on how schools stack up against one another, we lose track of what really matters: the students themselves,” said Wes Creel, Founder of Colleges of Distinction. “Every student has individual needs and their own environment in which they’re most likely to thrive. We want to extend our praise to the schools that prioritize and cater to students’ goals.” Catawba’s inclusion is informed by the unique ways it commits to achieving success. The effective strategies for student satisfaction and outcomes were the kinds of engaging experiences found at Catawba College.
“Catawba College was founded with the mission to provide a student-centered learning environment and that mission remains at the forefront of everything we do,” said Dr. Jared R. Tice, Senior Vice President for the College Experience and Dean of Students. “We are honored to be included in the 2022-2023 Colleges of Distinction.”
About Colleges of Distinction
Since 2000, Colleges of Distinction has been committed to honoring schools throughout the U.S. for true excellence in higher education. The member schools within the Colleges of Distinction consortium distinguish themselves through their dedicated focus on the undergraduate experience. Its website provides dynamic college profiles, customized tools, and resources for students, parents, and high school counselors. For more information, and to learn how to become a College of Distinction, visit CollegesofDistinction.com.