“Going through Catawba’s Education program made my transition to teaching at China Grove Middle School easier, and I have never felt more prepared,” said White. “I am grateful to be a graduate of Catawba College.”
White is one of 27 finalists across North Carolina who will attend an NCCAT professional and leadership development symposium in March. There they will be interviewed by NCCAT judges and their portfolios will be reviewed to select a winner. The winner will receive a $5,000 cash prize, instructional supply funds for their school, and participation in the GoGlobal NC trip in 2024.
“During her time at Catawba, Amber stood out as a teacher candidate not only studying to become a teacher, but working hard to become a great teacher,” said Dr. Kim Creamer, Dean of Catawba’s School of Education. “Nomination for this award brings recognition to Amber’s hard work and to the wonderful teacher she has become and continues to strive to be each day.”
The selection of the state winner will be made on March 9.