Students who attended included Joey Baillie, Zachary Smith, Taylor Hopper, Kyle Holmes, Kaite Bumbera, Berta Vidal-Carnero, Hayes Smith, and Nikki Franz.
Baillie, Smith, Hopper, and Dr. Shiela Brownlow, Professor of Psychology, presented “Are They Really that Way?” Predicted Behavior Based on Regional Stereotypes.”
Holmes and Brownlow presented “Environmental Attitudes and Apathy in Two Cultures.”
Bumbera, Vidal-Carnero, and Brownlow presented “Generational Talk: Differential Language Use Among Gen X, Gen Z, and Millennials.”
Drs. Jennifer Klebaur, Assistant Professor of Psychology, and Diana Riser, Association Professor of Psychology, made presentations in sessions on Engaging Teaching Approaches.
All three faculty served on the Program Committee.