The 18th Catawba 100 Golf Marathon held September 15th at McCanless Golf Course in Salisbury, raised close to $35,000 for Catawba Athletics, as well as Athletic Training and Athletic Administration. The event saw almost 260 people donate/pledge gifts.
A total of 14 people played in the Marathon, including current Catawba coaches, athletic administrators, trustees, and support staff. Two Catawba employees, Tom Childress, special assistant to the president, and Bob Casmus, head athletic trainer, played in their 18th consecutive Catawba 100 Golf Marathon, while Larry Leckonby, Catawba's Athletics Director, played in his first.
This year, Casmus helped add a new idea for the event with closest to the hole on each par three from 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Jeff Kessler won the travel award by traveling from Wisconsin to play in the event for his first time. Catawba's new Men's Basketball Coach Rob Perron hit the shot of his life on the par three 145 yard #6. He missed a hole in one by an inch, and quipped, "I was just glad that we were able to use a golf cart for the 100-hole event."
The 19th Annual Catawba 100 Golf Marathon will be played on September 14, 2015 at McCanless Golf Club.
Special thanks to Coach Bill Haggerty and Floyd Burton for taking care of the drink carts for the 18th consecutive year as well as to Chick – Fil – A for sponsoring the lunch.