I am back to school and unfortunately not much has changed. After training maybe I thought I would come back and implement sweeping changes; not realistic I know, but a girl can dream. My first week back after training included proctoring mid-semester tests, which is difficult because the students cheat like crazy. On the surface it seems as if the teachers don't want the students to cheat, but there is no disciplinary plan for how to deal with it. I moved some students around and I watch them like a hawk, but short of taking their tests I'm not sure what to do. But can I legitimately take all 30 tests from the students? The other question that arises is should I even worry about it? Indonesia is a collectivist culture so I don't think cheating is looked at in the same way. Maybe cheating here is not cheating; it's just helping your friends, which any good person would do. I have not figured out this dilemma yet and I'm skeptical if I ever will.
BLOG: On Assignment in Indonesia
PHOTOS: On Assignment in Indonesia
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