ALUMNA BLOG: Wading in the Mud (On Assignment in Indonesia)

by Lauren Ebersole '07 We are well into the New Year and I have not made resolutions because lets face it, it only sets you up for disappointment. I am trying to make my last few months worthwhile and successful. I spent New Year's in Kuta, Bali which is, in reality, a terrible place. But for a grou...

by Lauren Ebersole '07

We are well into the New Year and I have not made resolutions because lets face it, it only sets you up for disappointment. I am trying to make my last few months worthwhile and successful.

I spent New Year's in Kuta, Bali which is, in reality, a terrible place. But for a group of 20 somethings who have limited access to normal 20something activities, it serves its purpose, i.e. I was able to eat four burritos in three days. There are more foreigners than Indonesians and for some unfathomable reason every other male is wearing a Bintang beer tank top. Sounds classy, doesn't it? Fun for a few days, but I hope to never return there for the entirety of my life. Read more...


BLOG:  On Assignment in Indonesia

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