Travel and Change
by Jon Rhodes '08
Where does one begin when recounting a story? Do I first start with our food exploits? I could talk about how we feasted on locusts, grasshopper and a local fruit called durian, a fruit that is illegal to eat on trains in Malaysia due to its smell and has been likened to skunk spray with a hint of sweetness. I could start with the elephant rides through the jungle. About how some places take great care of the magnificent creatures and then about how some places don't. I could begin with the train rides. Here is where we met the only two American travelers on our entire journey and wonderful globe trotters from Holland, England, and France. Maybe I should start with the beautiful scooter rides through the mountains. Or I could begin with the riots, the violence that sprung up, and a country buckling down for the "Red-shirt"confrontation. No — I will start from the end. We flew to the United States via Tokyo, Japan. This was an adventure unto its own, never before had missing a flight turn into such good fortune. Read more...
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