An inaugural Powderpuff Football Game will kick off the fundraising efforts of a new student organization on the Catawba College Campus. Cat-AMA, a student group affiliated with the American Marketing Association, will host the game that pits upperclassmen against underclassmen between 7 and 9 p.m. on Friday, April 24, at Catawba's soccer game field in the Frock Athletic Complex.
Admission to the game is free and open to the public and Cat-AMA will raise funds through the sale of concessions and t-shirts. Funds raised will allow club members to go on educational trips and have more experiential learning opportunities.
At this fun event, students will play a single flag football game with seniors and juniors versus sophomores and freshmen. Participating students will pay a $10 fee and sign a waiver to play. Students who want to play can sign up in the Leonard Lounge of the Cannon Student Center on Wed., April 15, between 11 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. or on Thurs., April 16, between 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. A pre-game meeting to discuss rules and distribute t-shirts to all participating female students is scheduled at 6:30 p.m. on Monday, April 20, in Tom Smith Auditorium of Ketner Hall on campus.
"As a creative club we wanted to come up with an event that would be fun for students, different than other events, and have marketing and fundraising aspects. Now we can't wait for the first annual CAT-AMA Powderpuff Game!" said Jonathan Gerstl of Fort Mill, S.C., president of Cat-AMA, a student organization established this spring at the College.
"It has been very refreshing to see these students develop and organize this event. Catawba students continue to demonstrate a tenacity to compete in educational and extracurricular environments. We look forward to this inaugural event and to seeing what more these wonderful students can accomplish," said Dr. Phillip Frank, faculty advisor for the student group and assistant professor of Marketing at Catawba.