EDITOR'S NOTE: Barry Hawkins, Program Director for Students in Training (SIT), earned degrees from Catawba College in business and information systems. ; by Sarah Campbell, SalisburyPost.com ; In just a few short hours, Ryan Smith can get a dead as a doornail computer up and running. A rising junior...EDITOR'S NOTE: Barry Hawkins, Program Director for Students in Training (SIT), earned degrees from Catawba College in business and information systems.
by Sarah Campbell, SalisburyPost.com
In just a few short hours, Ryan Smith can get a dead as a doornail computer up and running.
A rising junior at Davie High School, Smith has been part of the Students in Training (SIT) program for almost six years.
The nonprofit organization, run primarly through grants from the Woodson Foundation, provides technology training to local students. Read more...
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