Catawba College Athletics and its football program have been forced to postpone its second consecutive game scheduled for this weekend, October 2, against Limestone due to COVID-19 related issues with the team.
The Catawba Indians were scheduled to play at Wingate in their first SAC match-up last Saturday, September 25.
“The health and safety of our students, faculty, and college community are our top priority,” said Craig Turnbull, Interim Athletic Director. “This is the best course of action for everyone. We are heartbroken for our student-athletes who worked so hard to prepare for these games and had started the season off strong.”
“This is why we are encouraging everyone at Catawba College to get vaccinated,” continued Turnbull. “Our goal is to keep our campus healthy and experience normal athletic activities.”
About Catawba College
Founded in 1851, Catawba College is a four-year, private, liberal arts college conveniently located in Salisbury, N.C. Ranked as one of the best regional colleges in the South, The College offers more than 70 academic programs and three graduate programs offering students the ability to combine and cross majors. Close faculty mentorships and numerous experiential learning options create opportunities for Catawba College graduates to exceed their own expectations and find their vocation. Additional information is available at www.catawba.edu.