Several student members of the College Honors Program will travel, along with faculty, to the North Carolina Honors Association annual conference in Asheville, NC, on Sept. 16-17. Dr. Steve Coggin, Dr. Janice Fuller, and students Michelle Haynes, a junior from Rockwell, and Amy Guenther, a sophomore from Asheville, will make a presentation entitled "Leaving Our Comfort Zone: Team- Taught Classes in Science and Literature," which will focus on the integration of multidisciplinary courses for Honors Students, highlighting in particular the Evolution and Imagination course from spring, 2004. Fuller and Coggin team-taught that class, which Haynes, a chemistry major, and Guenther, a theater-arts major, both took. The class ended with a trip to the Galapagos Islands.
Senior mathematics major Jennifer O’Connell of Jamesburg, N.J. will also make a presentation at the conference, describing her research project from her Clash of Civilizations course, titled "The Spatial Distribution of a Civilization." Dr. Sheila Brownlow, Director of College Honors, will also attend the conference.