Eight members of the Catawba College faculty and staff were among those recognized during the 2005 Awards Convocation held April 21 in Omwake-Dearborn Chapel on campus.
Dr. Barry Sang
Dr. Barry Sang, professor and chair of Catawba’s religion and philosophy department, received the Trustee Award for Outstanding Contribution to the College. Presented on behalf of Catawba’s Board of Trustees, the award is given annually to the person or persons judged to have made an outstanding contribution to the institution. The recipient is selected by a vote of Catawba’s faculty senate.
Dr. Sang was also the recipient of the Algernon Sydney Sullivan Award. A committee of Catawba students and faculty chose two persons, a student and a faculty member, to receive this award in recognition of fine spiritual qualities practically applied to daily living and with the belief that these persons will uphold the spiritual standards of Catawba by their noble characteristics. The award is given by the New York Southern Society for the purpose of establishing a permanent reminder of the noblest human qualities as expressed and followed in the life of its first president, Algernon Sydney Sullivan.
A native of Chicago, Dr. Sang holds degrees from Carroll College, Crozer Theological Seminary and Drew University. He was ordained as a minister in the American Baptist Church in 1977. He has served as assistant minister of Mt. Lebanon Baptist Church in Pittsburgh, as a lecturer and co-instructor at Drew University College of Liberal Arts, and as a co-instructor at Drew Theological Seminary. He joined the faculty at Catawba in 1985.
Dr. Sang and wife Kathy make their home in Salisbury and are parents of a daughter.
Dr. John B. “Jack” Green, Jr.
The college’s 2005 yearbook, the Sayakini, was dedicated to Dr. John B. “Jack” Green, Jr., an associate professor of marketing in the Ketner School of Business. That dedication was announced by Sayakini Editor Brandi Berrier of Lexington who lauded Dr. Green for his concern for and involvement in assuring the success of his students.
Dr. Green joined the faculty at Catawba in 2002. At its February meeting, the College Board of Trustees voted to grant him tenure, effective at the start of the 2005-2006 academic year.
Dr. Green earned his bachelor’s degree in business administration from Providence College, his M.B.A. from the State University of New York at Albany, and his Ph.D. in industrial and business studies at the University of Warwick in England. Prior to appointment at Catawba, he taught at Brenau University in Gainesville, Ga. and the State University of New York at Albany.
Dr. Kenneth W. Clapp
Catawba’s Chaplain and Senior Vice President, Dr. Kenneth W. Clapp ’70, who also directs the college’s Lilly Center for Vocation and Values, was honored with the Teacher of the Year Award. Chosen by a popular vote of the students, the recipient was selected because of his classroom rapport, evidence of concern for students, and intellectual stimulation.
A native of Whitsett, Dr. Clapp holds degrees from Yale University Divinity School and Lancaster Theological Seminary. He has served as pastor of Emmanuel United Church of Christ in Lincolnton and as minister of education at North Haven Congregational United Church of Christ in North Haven, Conn. Prior to joining the faculty of Catawba in 1989, he served as the executive director of Blowing Rock Assembly Grounds, a 300-bed conference and retreat center.
Dr. John T. Zerger
The Swink Prize for Outstanding Classroom Teacher was presented to Dr. John T. Zerger, chair and associate professor of mathematics. The selection was made by the Faculty Senate to a member of the faculty judged to be an outstanding classroom teacher. The award was created by a gift from the late Hearn Swink, former Rowan County resident, official with Cannon Mills Company, and friend of the college.
Dr. Zerger joined the faculty at Catawba as an assistant professor of mathematics in 1994 and was promoted to associate professor in 2000. The College Board of Trustees voted at its February meeting to grant him tenure, effective with the start of the 2005-2006 academic year.
He earned his bachelor’s degree in mathematics and secondary education from Bluffton College, and his master’s degree and Ph.D. from Kansas State University. He and wife Lori make their home in Salisbury and are parents of daughter Samantha
Kathryn Welborn
The Kenneth Clapp Tri-Delta Award was presented to Kathryn Welborn, a registered nurse and director of Catawba’s Proctor Health Center, in recognition of her dedication, devotion and dependability. The award was established by the Class of 2000 in recognition of the work of Senior Vice President and Chaplain Dr. Kenneth Clapp.
Mrs. Welborn joined Catawba in 1996 as a student health nurse. She was promoted to director of the Proctor Health Center in 2000. Prior to her employment with Catawba, she was a registered nurse with Salisbury Family Practice.
A native of Greenville, she earned her nursing degree from N.C. Baptist Hospital. She and husband Bill have two adult children.
;Robert Nargi
Robert Nargi, an area coordinator on the College’s Residence Life Staff, received the Staff Member of the Year Award. He was selected by a popular vote of the students for his positive interactions with them.
Loura H. Taylor
Loura Hollifield Taylor was honored as the inaugural recipient of the Louise Tucker Staff Council Award. The award is given to a staff member who demonstrates outstanding work ethic and performance in their area, with nominations made by member of the President’s Council and the recipient selected by a vote of the Staff Council.
Louise Tucker, a 1944 alumna, worked at Catawba for 42 years following her graduation, first as secretary to the college registrar, then as associate registrar, and later as assistant to the vice president for planning and academic services. As an employee, she was described as “accurate, punctual, meticulous, and with a mind like a computer bank.” She has been honored by the College with the Trustee Award for Outstanding Contribution to the College, an Exemplary Life Service Award, a Distinguished Alumnus Award, and the O.B. Michael Outstanding Alumnus Award. Although Ms. Tucker officially retired in 1986, she remains a loyal supporter of Catawba and continues as a resource for both the alumni and public relations offices.
Mrs. Taylor came to Catawba in 1995 as postmaster of the College. She has served as switchboard operator and was recently promoted to the position of telephone service administrator. She is married to Jim Taylor and they have four children, Stephanie and Donald Johnson and Greg and Heath Taylor.
Brenda McIntosh
The President’s Award for Staff Excellence was presented to Brenda McIntosh, administrative assistant to the dean of Lifelong Learning. The award is given annually to a member of the college staff who has distinguished him or herself in achieving excellence in job performance and who has contributed to strengthening of community spirit on campus. The recipient is selected through nominations from the entire faculty and staff, with a final selection from the nominations being made by the Staff Personnel Committee.
Mrs. McIntosh joined the staff at Catawba in 1971 in the Student Affairs Office, working for the vice president of administration and at least two deans of students. Later she worked in the academic dean’s office for at least four deans of the college.
She is married to Dale McIntosh, a 1971 Catawba alumnus, and the couple has two children who are also Catawba alumni, Melanie McIntosh Haire ’91 and John Patrick McIntosh ’97, and two grandsons.