Catawba College has awarded six students Impact Funding Awards for summer 2019 study. These awards were established to support student engagement in internships, research and creativity, and study abroad learning opportunities. Funding awards range from $100 to $3,000.
The college’s current MIND BODY SOUL Campaign is raising funds for specific college needs. To date, more than $300,000 has been raised for Student Impact Funding Awards. The fund-raising campaign began last fall to ensure that the college is fully prepared to grow and retain students by providing 21st century opportunities
The Catawba Impact Directors are pleased to report that six awards have been granted for Summer 2019.
Matthew Arnold (Exercise Science) – Discovery-Based Research Work
Arnold received funding to study cardiovascular function with our Soccer Team. Arnold will use a field test, which is growing in popularity, called the Manchester United Fitness Test (ManU). The field test combines short intensive runs with brief active recovery periods. Arnold’s version of the ManU will be conducted on 36 Division II Women Soccer Athletes at Catawba College. Using a combination of blood samples, oxygen consumption, V02 max, and TRIMP scores, Arnold hopes to have a better understanding of the ManU Field Test and a way to analyze a soccer players’ fitness at any point during the season.
Alberto Borges (Environment and Sustainability) – Discovery-Based Research Work
Borges received funding to transport 7,000 native tree seedlings and 90,000 seeds from Nairobi to Mount Marsabit, a shield volcano that rises over 5,500 feet above sea level with a forest cover of 16,000 hectares and an array of biodiversity. This area is surrounded by dry, shade-less deserts in every direction for hundreds of miles in Northern Kenya. As such, it is an important water source, provides subsistence livelihoods for communities, and is a wildlife refuge. Human encroachment and clearance of natural vegetation for farming is threatening the area. Borges hopes his project will ensure sustainable water security for all people, flora, and fauna of Marsabit County. Also, he hopes to educate and empower the youth in the area to start their own tree nursery businesses to provide a personal livelihood and long-term sustainability of the forest.
Amber Hand (Sports Management) – Internship & Practicum
Hand earned an unpaid summer internship with the Myrtle Beach Pelicans, a Single-A affiliate of the Chicago Cubs. Hand will be exposed to every aspect of managing a minor league team from selling tickets, pumping up the crowd, caring for the field, event planning, to whatever else may pop up. Hand feels that this experience will clarify her future career goals.
Jaida Henderson (Psychology) – Internship & Practicum
Henderson received a prestigious internship in Florida International University’s Center for Children and Families Summer Treatment Program. The program provides services to children with ADHD, ADD, CD, ODD, and other learning and behavioral problems. Henderson will undergo training to implement treatment strategies through daily activities, group problem solving discussions, and social skills training. Henderson hopes the opportunity will advance her career interests, secure a letter of recommendation for graduate school, and provide a number of experiential clinical hours.
Eleanor King (Environment and Sustainability) – Study Abroad
King will travel to Ankarafantsika National Park in Madagascar. Through surveys and interviews, King hopes to understand viewpoints on conservation from some of the 30,000 people who live within the park’s borders. Her hope is to better understand and find the best way to manage the park while still accommodating those who rely on the land for subsistence. This trip will be the first time she has ever traveled outside of the United States, and her first time running a survey-based research project.
Jennifer Thore (Therapeutic Recreation) – Internship & Practicum
Thore will complete a 14-week internship at Trinity Oaks, a retirement/nursing home in Salisbury, NC. The home recently implemented a Recreational Therapy Program, and Thore will be the first student to complete an internship at the facility. Thore will assist facilitating programs, interventions, and technology implementation. The experience will give her an ‘inside look’ at recreational therapy and the type of experience which will help her find a job in her field after graduation.
Stay tuned at Catawba's website (www.catawba.edu) and social media accounts for blogs, videos, and/or updates from the students about their experiences over the summer. The students will also share more about their summer activities when they return in the fall semester.