Faculty and staff members of the Catawba College community were honored for their years of service during fall convocation Thursday, August 31 in Omwake-Dearborn Chapel. The College was also officially convened for its 155th academic year.
Dr. Jesse McCartney, executive assistant to the president, officiated at the convocation. Before recognizing faculty and staff members, he noted that while the institution "embraces changes, it also celebrates continuity, tradition and loyal service." He said that those to be recognized had collectively given 680 years of service to the institution.
40 Years of Service
Dr. Andrew Vance, professor of modern foreign languages and business law, was recognized for 40 years of service.
35 Years of Service
Dr. Albert Roberts, professor of psychology; Dr. Sanford Silverburg, professor of political science; Ms. Eleanor Ijames, accounting/payroll clerk; and Ms. Brenda McIntosh, coordinator of operations for the School of Evening and Graduate Studies, were recognized for 35 years of service.
30 Years of Service
Ms. Carolyn Peeler, director of development, was recognized for 30 years of service.
25 Years of Service
Recognized for 25 years of service were Ms. Dayna Anderson, professor of theatre arts; Dr. Janice Fuller, writer-in-residence and professor of English; and Ms. Oliver Scott, assistant to the president for specialEvents.
20 Years of Service
Four individuals were recognized for 20 years of service. They were Dr. Lyn Boulter, professor of psychology; Dr. Charles McAllister, professor of history; Dr. Cheryl Peevy, professor of modern foreign languages; and Mr. David Pulliam, professor of theatre arts.
15 Years of Service
Recognized for 15 years of service were Ms. Nancy Adams, assistant professor of English; Dr. Laurel Eason, professor of English; Ms. Peggy Mason, administrative assistant for the department of athletics; Ms. Sheila Miller, computer programmer/analyst; Dr. William Russell, professor of physical education; Ms. Pamela Thompson, associate professor of business; and Ms. Suzanne Wilson, library technical associate.
10 Years of Service
Eight individuals were recognized for 10 years of service. They were Dr. Kurt Corriher, professor of modern foreign languages and director of the Glenn and Addie Ketner Center for International Studies; Ms. Sharon Ferguson, library technical assistant; Ms. Tracie Hummel, associate director of scholarships and financial assistance; Mr. Jim Lewis, director of sports information; Ms. Loura Taylor, telephone services administrator; Ms. Kathi Welborn, R.N., director of the Proctor Health Center; Ms. Betty Wilson, custodian; and Mr. Chris Zink, associate professor of theatre arts.
5 Years of Service
Those recognized for five years of service to the institution included Dr. Douglas Anderson, lecturer in business; Mr. Carl Beaver, maintenance technician; Ms. Amanda Bosch, director of Curriculum Materials Center; Dr. Aaron Butler, visiting assistant professor of English; Mr. John Carothers, PC/network support analyst; Mr. John Cullen, head coach of women's soccer; Ms. Paula Davis, facilities office manager and conferences andEvents coordinator; Mr. Peter Euto, lecturer in business; Ms. Elizabeth Graham, aquatics director and head coach of men's and women's swimming; Ms. Jean Hall, administrative assistant for the department of physical education and recreation; Ms. Lucretia Hughes, administrative assistant to the chaplain and senior vice president; Dr. Jason Hunt, assistant professor of mathematics; Ms. Linda Kesler, assistant professor of theatre arts; Mr. Gordon Kirkland, director of athletic development; Mr. Chad Lewis, manager of academic computing; Ms. June McDowell-Davis, lecturer in marketing; Ms. Rose Ann Pannell, administrative assistant for the music department; Dr. Keith Smith, lecturer in administration of justice; Mr. Rashad Smith, coordinator of admissions communication and technology; Mr. John Sullivan, lecturer in mathematics; Dr. Sharon Sullivan, assistant professor of mathematics; Mr. Gene Trexler, groundskeeper assistant; Dr. Maria Vandergriff-Avery, assistant professor of sociology; Ms. Amy Williams, director of the Catawba Fund and academic grants; Mr. Mark Wurster, library technical associate; and Dr. Nan Zimmerman, personal counselor.
The Length of Service Recognition Program is a project of the College's Staff Personnel Committee. Employees are recognized for their service to the College at five-year increments from their hire date.