Catawba College fans at a game in Shuford Stadium
Catawba College will be honoring local educators along with their own faculty and staff at their home football game on Saturday.
September 18th Catawba will play Barton at 1 p.m. and celebrate all Local Educators’ and Catawba College Employee Appreciation Day highlighting those who inspire future generations each and every day in our schools and at Catawba College.
Individuals showing relevant identification will receive free game day tickets for themselves and their immediate family members.
Single game tickets for football may be purchased at the gate on the day of the event or by calling the Athletic Department in advance at 704-637-4474. A single game reserved football ticket is $16, a single game general admission ticket is $12. Students (age 6 – 17) tickets are $5, children under 5 are free.