Catawba College honors student Taylor Cielo of Raleigh has been notified that her panel submission entitled “First-Year Programs in Honors: What They Are and How They Work” has been accepted for presentation at the National Collegiate Honors Council’s (NCHC) 2019 Annual Conference.
Cielo’s submission was one of over 850 total proposals received. Although Cielo has made presentations at the NCHC Idea Exchange (Boston 2018) and presented during the NCHC poster session (Atlanta 2017), she is the first Catawba Honors student whose panel proposal has been accepted for presentation at a NCHC annual conference. The acceptance is significant in that Cielo’s submission, co-authored with two students from other institutions, competed for a limited number of presentation slots.
The 2019 NCHC Annual Conference will be held in New Orleans, La., November 6-10.Cielo, a junior, is pursuing a major in English and a minor in History.