Four faculty and 11 students in the Catawba College Psychology Department continued a rich tradition of research and presentations at professional conferences when they traveled to the annual meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association in Charleston, S.C., March 6-9.
Drs. Jennifer Klebaur, Visiting Assistant Professor of Psychology, Amy Holmes, Assistant Professor of Psychology, Erin Wood, Associate Professor of Psychology, and Sheila Brownlow, Professor of Psychology, all served on the Program Committee for this conference. Additionally, Dr. Wood served on a panel titled “Class Assignments, Projects, and Papers that Enhance Undergraduate Psychology Courses” and Dr. Brownlow served on a panel sponsored by the National Association for Heads of Departments of Psychology. Dr. Holmes moderated a session.
The research topics and the Catawba faculty and students who made research presentations included:
Can Environmental Cues Obviate Ego Depletion Effects on Blood Glucose? Hope Woods, Breki Bjarnason, & Sheila Brownlow
Sex Typed Language Used in Children’s Story Books: Abigail Stowe, Jordan Van Landingham, Makenna Pate, Michaela Fink, & Sheila Brownlow
Can Language Study Positively Impact Divergent Thinking?: Rochelle Waldroop, Francis Grimes, Amy Holmes, & Sheila Brownlow
Does “Room to Spread Out” Influence Inter and Intrapersonal Behavior? Marcia Mariel Erhart, Malorie Ritchie, Sheila Brownlow, Shelby Davis, Hailey Kelly
Can Priming Occupational Stereotypes Influence Cognitive, Social, and Aspirational Interests? Tyus Lopez, Shannon Wright, Jenna Thompson, Sheila Brownlow, Beth Ann Martin, Robert Robinson, Pierce Allman
Several students presented their research in the undergraduate poster sessions; these were sponsored by advisor Sheila Brownlow:
Memory for People with Sex Typical and Atypical Occupations: Malorie Ritchie & Sheila Brownlow
Major and Minor Musical Chords and Task Performance: Rochelle Waldroop & Sheila Brownlow
Cued Empathy in Men and Women: Marcia Mariel Erhart & Sheila Brownlow
What’s in a Tweet? How Religious Affiliation Influences Celebrity Tweet Content. Makenna Pate & Sheila Brownlow
Two students have won Psi Chi, the National Undergraduate Psychology Honor Society, awards for their research and made oral presentations of their research at the conference. Mentored by advisor Sheila Brownlow:
Name Letter Matching to Personal Preferences in Two Cultures: Guðný Jónsdóttir & Sheila Brownlow
Does Priming Athleticism Decrease Performance on Cognitive Tasks?: Breki Bjarnason, Guðný Lena Jónsdóttir, & Sheila Brownlow