Catawba College has received North Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities (NCICU) grant funding to establish a mentorship program for twenty African American and Black men.
The program will seek non-student athletes entering their first or second year at Catawba who qualify for need-based financial aid. Students who agree to participate and complete the program will receive an additional $250 scholarship for Fall 2021 and Spring 2022 semesters from the College’s Gaining Access Program (GAP) Scholarship Fund designed to help low-income students.
The mentorship program will help students recognize their strengths and interests, identify a career path, and be matched with a major at Catawba College. Michael Frederick, Director of Internships and Career Services, will provide career guidance through a computer-assisted career guidance system as well as personal career awareness and advising. All twenty students will be assigned a local alumnus to assist them in realizing their professional aspirations through the Catawba Black Alumni Network (CBAN).
“I firmly believe this initiative will aid in the progression and degree completion rate for minority males, and increase the utilization of campus resources and services through intentional interactions between minority male students and the campus community,” said Frederick.
Participants in the program will be asked to be on-campus mentors for the 11th grade students enrolled in Catawba’s Emerging Young Leaders program. Students will immediately be paying forward the benefits of their own mentorship with young men in high school.
“This mentor program will be a chance for some of our young men to leave their mark and create a legacy for themselves and Catawba College,” added Frederick. “The service element will set this program apart from others, because not only will participating students receive quality mentoring and professional development from faculty, staff, and alums, they will also transfer their gained knowledge into immediate action serving as mentors to some of Rowan County’s Emerging Young Leaders.”
About Catawba College
Founded in 1851, Catawba College is a four-year, private, liberal arts college conveniently located in Salisbury, N.C. Ranked as one of the best regional colleges in the South, The College offers more than 70 academic programs and three graduate programs offering students the ability to combine and cross majors. Close faculty mentorships and numerous experiential learning options create opportunities for Catawba College graduates to exceed their own expectations and find their vocation. Additional information is available at catawba.edu.