Back row (L-R): Fogleman, Hirsch, Paciolla, Henderson, Mueller, Gates, Steedman, Hunter; Front row (L-R): D’Amelio, Suzu, Micah, Lopez
On Thursday, March 12, 2020, the Catawba College chapter of Psi Chi, the International Honor Society of Psychology, inducted eleven new members into the organization for the Academic Year 2019-2020.
The induction ceremony occurred in the Hurley Room of the Cannon Student Center. Chapter President and Vice President, Sophie Hirsch and Emily Fogleman, respectively, presided over the event, with member Sarah Steedman, faculty advisor Dr. Erin Wood and son Micah in attendance.
New members for Fall 2019 include Christina D’Amelio, Samantha Gates, Taylor Martin, and Heidi Mueller. New Spring 2020 members include Jaida Henderson, Victoria Hunter, Victoria Lopez, Tyler Paciolla, Delaney Portka, Hannah Ryan, and Sidney Suzu.