Evan Hall wanted to find out more about the differential attachment of Glochidia Larvae on male and female mosquito fish, while Rachel Roberts researched if painting recycle bins to look like cows would alter recycling behavior. Catawba College students from all academic disciplines had an opportunity to showcase research they had conducted at an annual Interdisciplinary Research Symposium held April 23rd in the Cannon Student Center on campus.
Some of the students sharing their research at the Interdisciplinary Research Symposium, plan to continue their education after they graduate from Catawba in May. Hall, an environmental science major, plans to pursue his graduate degree at N.C. A&T University, while Mary Black, another senior sharing her chemistry research, will begin work on her Ph.D. at Vanderbilt University next year.
On-campus honor societies, including Psi Chi, the Psychology Club, Tri Beta, and the American Chemical Society Affiliate Chapter, helped set up for and clean up after the event.
Following is a list of presentations which were on display, along with the names of those students and faculty members who were involved in the research for these presentations:
Differential Attachment of Glochidia Larvae on Male and Female Mosquito Fish; senior Evan Hall of Salisbury with co-author and research advisor Dr. Constance Rogers-Lowery.
The Effects of Water Flow on Calcification in Young Coral Polyps; senior Katrina Pergerson of Spring Lake with research advisor Dr. Constance Rogers-Lowery.
Understanding Antiaromaticity through Heterocyclic Dianions; senior Mary H. Black of Thomasville with research advisor Dr. Nancy Mills of Trinity University, San Antonio, Texas.
Making Chemistry Real with Natural Dyes; sophomore Lori Fraley of Cleveland with co-author Dr. Carol Miderski.
Will recycle bins painted to look like cows alter recycling behavior? senior Rachel Roberts of Knoxville, Tenn., with research advisor Dr. Joe Poston.
Removing the Mask: how American leaders have used the skills of theatre artists; senior Betsy Foster of Baltimore, Md., with research advisor Dr. Gary Freeze.
Man Can Get Used to Anything: A Study of the Holocaust – Those who Planned, Perished, Survived and Fought; senior Andrea Clabaugh of York, Pa., with research advisor Dr. Laurel Eason.
Do Name Cues to Ethnicity Affect Judgments of Criminality? author senior Jessica Davison of Springfield, Pa., with co-authors senior Kira Capano of Raynham, Mass., junior Lauren Graham of Salisbury, and senior Danielle Schneider of New Castle, Del., and research advisor Dr. Sheila Brownlow.
Can External Justification for Performance Obviate Stereotype Threat Effects? author senior Amanda E. Kanoy of Thomasville with co-author senior Beverly G. Jordan of Salisbury and research advisor Dr. Sheila Brownlow.
To Live or Let Die; author senior Beverly G. Jordan of Salisbury with co-author junior Paula L. Nobles of Hillsborough and research advisor Dr. Lyn Boulter.
Drawing for the Theatre: Pencil or Computer? author senior Corey Burckhalter of Elma, N.Y., with research advisor Professor David Pulliam.
Props Construction; author senior Corey Burckhalter of Elma, N.Y., with co-authors sophomore Carrie Foster of Baltimore, Md., senior Allen Jones of Greensboro, junior Amanda Lederer of Bradenton, Fla., and junior Adam Stolzenberg of Cornelius with research advisor Professor David Pulliam.
Props Construction; author sophomore Carrie Foster of Baltimore, Md., with co-authors TPS: Props Construction Class and research advisor Professor David Pulliam.
Pandora’s Box; author senior Allen Jones of Greensboro with research advisor Professor David Pulliam.
Live Casting; author senior Allen Jones of Greensboro with research advisor Professor David Pulliam.
Hula Doll; author junior Amanda Lederer of Bradenton, Fla., with research advisor Professor David Pulliam.
Silver Ring; author junior Amanda Lederer of Bradenton, Fla., with research advisor Professor David Pulliam.
Tea Box; author junior Amanda Lederer of Bradenton, Fla., with research advisor Professor David Pulliam.
PHOTOS: Interdisciplinary Research Symposium 2009