Catawba College is ranked ninth in the nation for "Best College Theater" according to the Princeton Review's 2017 edition of "The Best 381 Colleges." Catawba is also cited as one of the nation's best institutions for undergraduate education.
The College guide, "The Best 381 Colleges," hit newsstands on August 30th. Published annually since 1992, it includes profiles on only about 15% of America's 2,500 four-year colleges. Catawba's appearance on the "Best College Theater" rankings lists is based on the guidebook's surveys of students attending the colleges.
Catawba's profile in the publication includes a Green Rating of 92 out of possible scores ranging from 60-99, and an 86 Quality of Life Rating for campus life.
Catawba students who were surveyed reported that "professors go out of their way to make sure every student is involved in the learning process." They cited "a strong community of teachers, faculty and students with a common goal of excellence in education."
"I go to class knowing they want me to succeed," one student said. "The professors at Catawba are fantastic. They truly care for your success, not just in the classroom, but in life," shared another.
Catawba students also noted that "the vibe at Catawba is extremely relaxed," the guidebook explained, and that "athletes are extremely well represented among the student population." Overall, the student survey says: "Students are happy. Everyone loves the Catawba Indians. Theater is popular."
The most popular majors at Catawba were reported as Business Administration and Management, Sport and Fitness Administration/Management, and Drama and Dramatics/Theatre Arts.
"The Best 381 Colleges" is the 25th edition of The Princeton Review's annual "Best Colleges" guidebook. Its school profiles and ranking lists are posted at www.PrincetonReview.com/best381. The Princeton Review (www.PrincetonReview.com) is an education services company known for its tutoring, test-prep courses, books, and other student resources. It is headquartered in Natick, Mass.