Alisa Gravitz, executive director of Co-op America, will speak at Catawba College on Tuesday, Oct. 18, on “Social and Environmental Responsibility in Investing and Purchasing.” The presentation is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. in Room 300 of the Center for the Environment building. A 7 o’clock reception will precede the talk.
The lecture is co-hosted by the Catawba Center for the Environment and the Catawba College Community Forum.
Co-op America’s mission is to “harness economic power – the strength of consumers, investors, businesses and the marketplace – to create a socially just and environmentally sustainable society,” according to its literature. The organization addresses everything from finding healthy organic foods and greening businesses to investing responsibly.
Gravitz has played a leadership role in the growth of the socially responsible investing industry, which now totals $2.2 trillion. She co-authored Co-op America’s guide to social investing, which has been used by more than 500,000 investors. She also helped to launch Businesses for Social Responsibility, the Coalition for Environmentally Responsible Economies and the Social Investment Forum.
Gravitz received the 1995 Socially Responsible Investing Service award and was recently named one of the six most important people who are changing the way companies think about the environment by the Green Business Letter. She has appeared on the CNN Financial Network, National Public Radio and in the New York Times and Washington Post.
Before accepting the leadership position at Co-op America, Gravitz worked on the development of energy-efficient technology, small businesses and environmental policy in the public and private sectors. She holds a bachelor’s degree in economics and environmental science from Brandeis University and an MBA from Harvard University.
The event is free and open to the public.
Sponsors for the event are investment advisory representatives Pamela Stamper-Brandt of Lewisville and Charlotte Kania of Chapel Hill, both with First Affirmative Financial Network; Trillium Asset Management Corporation in Durham; and F&M Bank in Rowan County.
For more information on Co-op America, individuals may visit