Catawba College’s Theta Phi Chapter of Kappa Delta Pi International Honor Society in Education installed new officers for the 2015-2016 year and inducted seven new members in a ceremony held at 7:00 p.m. March 31 in Tom Smith Auditorium on the campus.
Dr. James K. Stringfield opened the ceremony with welcoming remarks to the inductees, members, and invited guests. Dr. Rhonda Truitt explained the components of the Kappa Delta Pi Creed. Dr. Latoya Dixon and Dr. Michael Waiksnis, co-principals at Knox Middle School, gave a virtual presentation entitled “Teachers: Heroes among Us.” KDP officers inducted new members in a ritual ceremony. Dr. Karen Lucas, counselor for the chapter, presided over the meeting and was assisted by Dr. Lyn Boulter, Dr. Kim Creamer, Dr. Rhonda Truitt, and current officers Erika Spach, president; Paige Smart, secretary; and Jessica Parker, treasurer.
New members inducted and receiving honor cords included the following undergraduate students: Erica Boles, King; Emily Canipe, Salisbury; Ashley Everidge, Hamptonville; Karina Reyes, Salisbury; Brinsley Stewart, Boonville; and Emily Williams, Lexington. Faculty member, Dr. Kim Creamer, Clemmons, was also inducted.
New officers installed were Ashley Everidge, president, and Erica Boles, treasurer.
Kappa Delta Pi, an International Honor Society in Education, was founded March 8, 1911, at the University of Illinois. Catawba College’s Theta Phi Chapter was installed on February 28, 1958. The chapter was reactivated in 1983. Organized to recognize excellence in education, Kappa Delta Pi members recognize and honor achievement; strive to a high degree of professional fellowship, leadership, and growth in the field of education; and serve their students and educational community.