Dr. Erin Wood at Prestigious Leadership Institute for Women in Psychology

Dr. Erin Wood, a tenured Associate Professor of Psychology and Title IX Administrator at Catawba College, participated in the 10th annual American Psychological Association (APA) Leadership Institute for Women in Psychology (LIWP) in Washington, D.C. Wood made a successful application and received a...

Dr. Erin Wood, a tenured Associate Professor of Psychology and Title IX Administrator at Catawba College, participated in the 10th annual American Psychological Association (APA) Leadership Institute for Women in Psychology (LIWP) in Washington, D.C.

Wood made a successful application and received an invitation from the organization’s executive committee to participate based on her “outstanding career achievements and demonstrated leadership potential.”

Wood attended the three-day workshop July 31 through August 2, 2017. A culminating additional meeting will be held in Washington, D.C., April 17-18, 2018.  Additionally, throughout this program year, participants, like Wood, will have access to webinars, during which noted leaders will present on issues regarding leadership, scholarship and research, education, and development. Participants are also encouraged to connect via telephone and email to discuss issues they are currently facing.

The APA LIWP’s mission is to prepare, support, and empower women psychologists as leaders to promote positive changes in institutional and organizational life and to increase the diversity, number, and effectiveness of women psychologists as leaders. Wood reports the first meeting was “incredibly stimulating” and that she feels “so fortunate to have been in a room with such successful and strong women leaders and to be connected to such visionary energy!”

Wood is grateful to the Catawba College Provost’s Office for funding her participation in this once-in-a-lifetime professional and personal development opportunity.

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