Catawba Economics Professor Presents Paper at Conference
Dr. Eric R. Hake, associate professor of economics at Catawba College, presented a paper at the Allied Social Science Association (ASSA)/American Economics Association Conference in Chicago, Ill., on Jan. 6, 2012.
The paper, entitled "Before the Fall: Mergers and Acquisitions at Washington Mutual," was part of the Association for Evolutionary Economics program at the ASSA.
Hake joined Catawba as Associate Professor of Economics in 2010. In addition to his teaching duties, Dr. Hake is secretary to The Association for Evolutionary Economics (AFEE), an international organization of economists and other social scientists devoted to analysis of economics as evolving, socially constructed and politically governed systems.
Catawba Faculty and Students to Attend Association Meeting
Two Catawba College faculty and seven students will attend the annual meeting of the Southeastern Psychological Association in New Orleans, La., in February. While there, these attendees will present four pieces of research to present, including work that lists seven Catawba students as authors and a collaboration between Dr. Lyn Boulter, a professor of psychology at Catawba, and researchers at Appalachian State University.
Drs. Boulter and Sheila Brownlow are the faculty members attending, along with students who include Katherine Zink of Salisbury; Maura Pantone of Pittsburgh, Pa.; Michelle Lyons of Salisbury; David Bowling of Newburg, Md.; Jennifer McDonnell of Salisbury; Megan Howard and Alex Thompson, both of Salisbury.
Research work to be presented includes:
- The College Persistence Questionnaire Predicts Athlete Retention at Catawba College. Lyn Boulter, Catawba College; Hall Beck, Ashley Robinson, Sean Warren, Amanda Thompson, and Donald Sample, Appalachian State University. ;
- Judgments of Children’s Transgressions as a Function of Ethnicity. Katherine Zink, Maura Pantone, Michelle Lyons and Sheila Brownlow, Catawba College. ;
- Does Author Ethnicity Matter to the Evaluation of Blog Posts? David Bowling, Jennifer McDonnell and Sheila Brownlow, Catawba College. ;
- The High Cost of Cheap: Free Music Downloads and Song Liking (presented through the session for undergraduate research) Megan Howard and Alec Thompson and sponsored by Sheila Brownlow.