Freshmen's Extracurricular Interests Change and Remain the Same

Over the past five years, Catawba College freshmen have expressed their interests in a variety of extracurricular activities. Some of their expressed interests reflect a continuation of their high school activities, while others indicate their new interests in participating in one of the more than 4...

Over the past five years, Catawba College freshmen have expressed their interests in a variety of extracurricular activities. Some of their expressed interests reflect a continuation of their high school activities, while others indicate their new interests in participating in one of the more than 40 clubs and organizations offered on campus.

By incoming class, here are the top reported extracurricular activities, in no particular order, per incoming freshman class. Or, here are the ways the freshmen say they want to spend their time outside of class:

2013 2012 2011 2010 2009
Band Honor Society Band Sports Sports
Drama-Acting Band Drama-Acting Choir/Choral Music Honor Society
Beta Club Drama-Acting Choir/Choral Music Honor Society Drama-Acting
Cheerleading Dance Honor Society Drama-Acting Choir
Choir/Choral Music Choir/Choral Music Religious Activity Band Band
Honor Society Cheerleading Community Service Christian Athletes Community Service
Art Student Government Student Government Community Service Christian Athletes
Service Club Community Service Christian Athletics Beta Club Cheerleading
Student Government Christian Athletes Environmental Debate Choral Music
ROTC Visual Arts Debate Visual Arts Dance


"One of the ways we retain students is to get them involved in activities outside of class," explained Catawba Dean of Students Ben Smith. "They get to know people and have a sense of ownership and place on campus. Over the past three years, Student Government has been an extracurricular activity that has involved many of our students. It has been a vehicle for them to have their voice heard on everything from the idea of textbook rentals to bringing Starbucks products to campus at our McCorkle's snack bar and grill.

"I would encourage all students to take a step outside of their comfort zones and get involved in an organization or activity outside of classes."              


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