Greensboro Woman Takes Finance Exam, Earns a Meal on Ralph and Al

Lisa Reid of Greensboro took Professor Al Carter and Mr. Ralph Ketner's 50-question finance exam and won a meal on the two with her 48 correct answers. Reid was one of 40 individuals, including her husband and even one test-taker from Florida, who tested their personal finance knowledge by taking th...

Lisa Reid of Greensboro took Professor Al Carter and Mr. Ralph Ketner's 50-question finance exam and won a meal on the two with her 48 correct answers. Reid was one of 40 individuals, including her husband and even one test-taker from Florida, who tested their personal finance knowledge by taking the exam.

During spring semester at Catawba College, Mr. Ketner and Professor Carter taught a one-hour Personal Finance course, trying to develop some basic financial understanding among Catawba students. "The Salisbury Post" shared lessons from this class with the broader community in a weekly column written by reporters Mark Wineka or Emily Ford. The online finance exam was a way for the readers who had read the weekly columns to gauge their knowledge. All entries for the final exam were due by April 26 by 5 p.m. and answers to the finance exam are now available.


Take Ralph and Al's Finance Exam

Spring Semester Class to Offer Preparation for Life after College



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