Photo: Rebeka Brown '14
This Ham Will Turn Into Turkey
Hard to believe that pigs have anything to do with community service, but the one who came to campus during CatawbaPalooza on April 5th certainly did. It was a pig with a higher purpose.
Kelly L. Heinemann, assistant director of Housing and Supplemental Instruction and director of Mail Services, was the lucky Catawba employee who got to kiss the adorable black oinker. Heinemann came in first place and garnered the most votes in the campus 2014 "Kiss a Pig" contest.
Students and other members of the Catawba community cast their votes with quarters from March 26 through April 4 to see who among nine Catawba employees would get the most votes (or quarters) and be eligible to kiss the pig. The proceeds from the annual "Kiss a Pig" contest will benefit Catawba’s Duck Draw to be held in November. The Duck Draw, which will enter its 11th year this November, is a campus fundraiser that benefits needy local families by providing them with all the fixings for a Thanksgiving dinner. From its inception through last year, almost 1,500 families have received Thanksgiving dinners thanks to the fundraiser.
In addition to Heinemann, other Catawba employees who vied for a chance to "Kiss a Pig" included 2nd place - Ben Smith; 3rd place - Bob Casmus; 4th place - Dr. Jamie Slate; 5th place - Andie Lynch; 6th place - Norris Feeney; 7th place - President Brien Lewis; 8th place - Kara Ostlund; and 9th place - Kenan Foster.