Continuing on the exciting kickoff to the 2015-16 season, Catawba Theatre Arts Department proudly presents Eric Overmeyer's hit comedy, On the Verge; or The Geography of Yearning. Performances will begin Tuesday, September 22nd and run through Saturday, September 26th at 7:30 p.m. in Hedrick Little Theatre with a special Opening Night Reception following Tuesday’s performance.
This electrifying production is directed by brand new Associate Professor Kindra Steenerson and spins the tale of three late nineteenth century female explorers as they traverse Terra Incognita in a symbolic journey through time. The characters include the adventurous Mary Baltimore (Anna Katherine Hall, Asheville, NC), the young and enthusiastic Alexandra Cafuffle (Prentice Clark, Charleston, SC), the conservative Fanny Cranberry (Madeline Auchter, Houston, TX), and eight other colorful characters played by one male actor (Randy Stull, Frederick, MD). Steenerson says, "The style is a challenge in that it is a linguistic feat ... as the ladies travel through the changing landscape, the geography of language changes as well. As the characters negotiate the shifts in time, space, and language, they confront what it means to find purpose, understand yearning, and know themselves."
Join us for the journey and embrace the unknown! Tickets are $12 General Admission and $10 for Non-Catawba Students and Senior Citizens. On the Verge is sure to be a guaranteed night of fun! Get your tickets now by calling the box office at (703) 637-4481 between the hours of 1:00 PM and 5:00 PM on weekdays or order online at www.catawba.edu/theatretix. Tickets may also be purchased at the door.