By Cindy Stranad, articulon.com
SALISBURY, N.C. (November 19, 2007) — Phil Kirk, vice president of external relations for Catawba College and Chairman Emeritus of the State Board of Education, has been elected chair-elect of the Public School Forum of North Carolina. Next July, Kirk will succeed Sen. Katie Dorsett of Guilford County as the chair of the Raleigh-based organization.
"Throughout my career, I have had a passion for service to education," says Kirk. "I am honored to serve as the chair-elect for the Public School Forum and look forward to continued service in educational intuitions throughout North Carolina."
The Public School Forum of North Carolina was organized more than 20 years ago to work for the improvement of public schools in our state. The board of directors is composed of representatives from business, education and elected officials.
Prior to his current position, Kirk served as the president/CEO of North Carolina Citizens for Business and Industry (NCCBI) and publisher of its magazine, North Carolina, for 16 years. Among the education related boards that he currently serves on are Meredith College Board of Trustees, North Carolina Center for the Advancement of Teaching Foundation board, UNC Tomorrow Commission, and State Board of Education Blue Ribbon Commission on Charter Schools. He recently received the Jay Robinson Leadership Award for his work in public education and is former vice chair of the State Board of Community Colleges.
For more information on Phil Kirk, visit www.phillipkirk.com.
About Phil Kirk:
Phil Kirk is the Vice President for External Relations at Catawba College in Salisbury and owner of a speaking and consulting firm. In 1970, Phil was elected as the youngest state senator in North Carolina. In 1989, Phil became president of North Carolina Citizens for Business and Industry and was consistently ranked among the top 25 most effective N.C. lobbyists. As politician, government official, president of NCCBI and chairman of the State Board of Education, Phil has delivered more than 6,000 talks. For more information or to book a speaking engagement, visit www.phillipkirk.com or e-mail bookings@phillipkirk.com.
About the Public School Forum of North Carolina:
The Public School Forum of NC is a not for profit policy think tank which is a partnership of business leaders, education leaders, and government leaders in North Carolina. Since opening its doors in 1986, the Forum has evolved into an organization that has made a significant contribution to schools across North Carolina. In addition to research and work in the public policy arena, the Forum oversees programs in communities across the state. Currently, the organization has created and oversees a network of twenty elementary and middle school programs that offer young people the hourly equivalent of eighty additional days of school and another network of high schools that have introduced hands-on technology training into their curriculum. This year the Forum began a new leadership development program for school administrators. For more information, visit www.ncforum.org.