Catawba College students, faculty and staff and members of the Rowan-Salisbury community are invited to attend a March 20th event entitled “Beyond the Field, Court, Stage…Lessons Gained for Success.” The event is scheduled in the Goodman Gymnasium on campus between 6 and 8 p.m.
Recent Catawba alumni from Athletics and Theatre Arts will be featured as they share information about how their participation in on-campus activities helped enhance the skills they have needed to be successful in their careers.
Sponsored by the Career Services Office, C2C (Catawba to Career office), and Enterprise Holdings, the event will offer a night of advice and networking for all who attend. A reception will follow the alumni panel discussion and those attending will be eligible for door prizes.
Participating Catawba alumni include:
Kortney Kavanagh ’12 - AP Environmental Science teacher at Hough High School;
- Leah Constan-Tatos ’13 - Senior Audit Associate at SMP Corporation in New York City;
- Nicolas A. Means (Nick) ‘03 – AVP/ Training and Development Officer at F&M Bank in Salisbury;
- Yolanda McClure ’11 - Flight Attendant for United Airlines, based in New York City;
- Dorthell Little ’04 – IT administrator with Cohn Reznick, LLP in Charlotte;
- Taylor Fender ’15 - Client Account Executive at Healthcare Management Consultants in Salisbury;
- Julio Zubillaga ’14 - Systems Analyst at UNC Healthcare in Durham;
- Robin Tynes ’12 – Co-founder and Artistic Director of Three Bone Theatre in Charlotte;
- Brian Graves ’07 - Assistant Basketball Coach at Hampton University in Hampton, Va.
For more information, contact Robin Perry, Catawba’s Director of Career Services at rmperry@catawba.edu or at 704-637-4384.