Dear Catawba Family,
There is no gentle way to say this, but this was a challenging week for us related to COVID-19. Any increase in our number of COVID-19 cases or quarantines is too much, and we definitely had increases in both the numbers of cases and students/employees quarantined. We are still in GREEN status, but we want to avoid going to YELLOW.
This is a good opportunity to remind everyone that what you do on AND OFF campus can affect us all. Even if you are not on campus, be sure to follow the Care about Catawba commitment you made. Wear your mask. Stay physically distant. Wash your hands. Check your symptoms. And expect the same of others. It is easy to let your guard down when you go to a haunted trail, a restaurant, a favorite hang-out spot, or while at an off-campus job or professional experience. But we all have to be diligent to protect each other.
All of our current active cases (students and employees), and associated quarantines, originated from off-campus interactions.
What we do away from campus matters and has a direct impact on your classmates, fellow employees, professors, and staff. Even when you are off campus, wear a face covering, maintain appropriate physical distance, and wash your hands often.
Given the situation, some reminders are warranted …..
WATCH THIS CATAWBA CARES VIDEO! Please watch this video, starring SGA leaders, RAs, and Wellness/Health Promotions staff, containing reminders about our COVID-19 policies.
Do your DAILY Self-Health Monitoring: Catawba has developed a list of questions for students and employees to review and complete every daybefore entering campus. It is your responsibility to complete the form everyday, be honest, and follow the directions it gives.
The easiest way to complete the self-health monitoring questionnaire is by downloading the MyCatawba Mobile App to complete the assessment each day on your Apple or Android Device. To learn how to download the MyCatawba app and complete the daily self-health questionnaire, view the brief tutorial video.
View previous Updates from the Provost, discussing:
- Please be sure to check our website catawba.edu/returntocatawba for all the updates on COVID-19 and our campus plan.