Dear Students and Families,
It is hard to believe that we are almost half way finished with the semester! On our COVID-19 data dashboard, you will notice that we are still holding stable on the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases and the number of students in quarantine. Therefore, we are still in GREEN status in our “Go Remote”/ Re-Exit Plan. We are grateful for your commitment to following our Care About Catawba Pledge to protect yourself and others.
Catawba Cares Reminders! I had planned to use this update to provide some reminders about the Catawba Cares plan and how to stay safe. However, I figure that it would be more enjoyable to hear these reminders from your peers. Please watch this video, starring SGA leaders, RAs, and Wellness/Health Promotions staff, containing reminders about our COVID-19 policies.
SlowCOVIDNC App. Catawba College has joined other colleges in NC to promote the use of the SlowCOVIDNC app. After downloaded to your phone, the app uses Bluetooth to help with contact tracing, in the event that you or someone with whom you come in contact tests positive for COVID-19. If you do come into contact with someone that reports a positive case of COVID-19, you will receive notification so that you can seek the advice of a medical professional. For more information on how the app works and information for opting-in, please visit Catawba.edu/slowcovid
View previous Updates from the Provost, discussing:
- Please be sure to check our website catawba.edu/returntocatawba for all the updates on COVID-19 and our campus plan.