Catawba College is ranked number 6 among the Top Colleges for Biology Majors in North Carolina in this top ten list created by Zippia, a website dedicated to helping people find and pursue the right career.
Zippia took a look at the data on the institutions of higher learning in the North Carolina to determine which programs offer the best career opportunities for Biology Majors.
Catawba trails Duke University at #1; University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill at #2; North Carolina State University at #3; Wake Forest University at #4; and University of North Carolina Wilmington at #5. Catawba is trailed by Wingate University at #7; Elon University at #8; University of North Carolina at Charlotte at #9; and Western Carolina University at #10. To view the rankings, visit:
Zippia looked at the following data from the NCES (National Center For Education Statistics) and College Scorecard data from to understand what Biology departments offer the best career opportunities:
- Career Results
- Mean Earnings After 6 Years
- Mean Earnings After 10 Years
- Ratio of people working to not working after 10 years
- Biology Emphasis
- Percentage of Graduating Class That Are Biology Majors (Larger the better)
- School Performance
- Admissions Rate (More selective the better)
- Graduation Rate
- Average Cost Of Attendance (Lower is better)
- Median amount of debt
With this data in hand, Zippia looked at the institutions of higher learning with Biology Majors in North Carolina and then ranked each of these schools for each of the criteria above with '1' being the best in any given criteria.
Next, Zippia averaged the ranks for each school to create a 'Biology Quality Index.' The school with the best score on the 'Biology Quality Index,' Duke University, earned the distinction of being the 'Best College for Biology Majors' in North Carolina.