Catawba College Grad Named a Top Ten Finalist for Student Teacher of the Year

Kylie Morgan, Catawba College class of 2022 and Middle Grades ELA Education major, was named a top ten finalist for the North Carolina Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (NCACTE) Student Teacher of the Year earlier this month.

Upon notification she was a finalist, Morgan said “From the time I began 4th grade, I knew that my heart was in education. It’s exciting to be able to say that in just a few short weeks, I will have my own students, my own classroom, and will be able to see my dream become reality. This year, I was honored to be named as Catawba College’s Prospective Teacher of the Year. God blessed me abundantly during my time at Catawba and continued to do so- I was chosen as a top 10 finalist for this competition; something that I never could have predicted. However, none of this would have been possible without the education program at Catawba. My professors and peers encouraged me, challenged me, and genuinely wanted to see me succeed. My thanks will always go to them.”

Morgan was nominated by Catawba’s Teacher Education Committee and received the Shirley L. Haworth Prospective Teacher Award from the College.

A quote from her nomination stated “Miss Morgan has proven herself as a leader in the classroom and beyond. Her peers seek ideas from her, which she willingly shares. She practices reflective teaching and continual learning. She values her students and the variety of experiences and backgrounds they bring to her classroom. She holds the profession of teaching in high regard and considers it a privilege to teach her students each day. She serves as an asset to her students, her school community, and the profession.”

Lisa Moore, faculty supervisor for Morgan, added “Kylie’s work shows a spark that comes from a dedicated teacher that is going to impact the teaching profession in a positive way for many years to come.”

The annual award recognizes outstanding future educators nominated by NCACTE member institutions.  One teacher candidate from the NCACTE member institutions is recognized as the Outstanding Student Teacher of the Year in North Carolina at the annual fall NCACTE Teacher Education Forum.

“I learned a lot during my four years at Catawba; things that I can’t wait to share with my students,” added Morgan. “However, I know that I still have much to learn, and that my students will teach me as much as I teach them.”