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Student Government Association (SGA)
The SGA seeks "to promote unity among the student body within the college community, to promote a quality educational environment, to protect common interests, to create an atmosphere of free discussion, inquiry, and self-expression, to insure the personal freedom and general welfare of the student body, and to instill in the student body the principles of self-government."
We discuss student issues, hold Student Forums with the President and Faculty, hold Honor Court and run the elections for the homecoming court. The SGA added voter registration to allow all students the opportunity to vote for students in the class in which they identify themselves with.
Learn More:
Executive Board:
- President: Katelyn Cothren
- Vice President: Emma Jackson
- Secretary: Mason McLain
- Treasurer: Matthew Peeler
Freshmen Class:
- President: Alfonso Castro
- Vice President: Makeda Michael
- Secretary: Mariangel Noriega
Sophomore Class:
- President: Jadan Martin
- Vice President: Gavin Moore
- Secretary: Jovey McFarland
- Treasurer: Angelina Araujo
- Senator: Reagan Brown
- Senator: Judy Rose
Junior Class:
- President: Autumn Perkins
- Vice President: Shiva Aryal
- Treasurer: Deborah Guidry
- Senator: Alli Eudy
- Senator: Alondra Acevedo-Roque
Senior Class:
- President: Zoe Romano
- Vice President: Lindsay Burch
- Secretary: Dymond Thames
- Senator: Allison Fredrick
- Senator: Josh Nelson
The Public Relations Committee will help in providing advertisement and man-power to the public relations aspects of the clubs within the Inter Club Council. If you would like your posters to be made and posted by the SGA, please:
- E-mail Mason McLain all of the information that needs to be put on the poster. (i.e. Date, time, location, description of the event)
- Your poster will be made between Monday and Thursday, and will be posted between Thursday and Sunday. Make sure to give the committee enough time to have the poster made and put up. If your event is the next Monday, then posting it the weekend before will be ineffective. Turn in all information EARLY so that your poster will be put up at least a week before your event.
Advertising Methods
Clubs may be creative in how they advertise. Please contact Student Affairs if you would like to use:
- window chalk
- candy reminders
- spray paint for the rock
Point of Contact
It is encouraged that the club choose one person to work on the advertising/PR work for every event. This will prevent any confusion and delay in the advertising process.
BEFORE Your Event |
AFTER Your Event |
Before your event, you must submit the following: | Following an event, you should submit the following: |
The Inter Club Council (ICC) will work to encourage communication between all chartered clubs and provide any resources that clubs may need. The ICC will work together to inform the Student Body of the events they plan and will work together to accomplish programming needs of the institution. In order to help clubs plan events, the ICC will publish a newsletter as well as coordinate event dates which will be distributed at the beginning of each SGAC meeting.
Event Planning Tips
- Advertising is required one week in advance! Posters, table tents, e-mails, and Facebook groups are allowed. To send a campus wide e-mail, contact Student Affairs. Flyers must be placed on bulletin boards — do not apply tape to paint! A poster printer is available to clubs free of charge. Clubs should provide a black and white 8.5 x 11" poster to be converted. Advertisements must be removed 24 hours after the event.
- Campus wide events (like dances and festivals) require having a Public Safety Officer(s) on duty. Officers must be hired for a minimum of four hours at a rate of $20/hour. Requests for officers must be made at least two weeks before the event.
- To reserve a facility on campus, e-mail or call ext. 4200. They also provide tables, chairs, etc.
- Catering for events is allowed but is discouraged as Chartwells offers amenities catering companies cannot provide (like dishes and tablecloths). Please contact Student Affairs first, then Chartwells.
- The ICC can also provide paper products for events!
The SGA Academic Travel Scholarship is designed to provide aid to students attending an academic conference. We encourage students to represent Catawba College as they learn from and share their research at various academic conferences. Each year, the SGA designates a portion of their budget to award scholarship to students. Each student is eligible to receive a maximum of $250 per annum.
Scholarships are awarded based upon the student's GPA, graduation year, and whether they are presenting at or attending a conference. Each applicant is required to hold a minimum of a 3.0 cumulative GPA—with no less than a 2.5 GPA in their major. Students who are presenting at conferences are given preferential status in award considerations.
Required Forms
If your scholarship application is approved, you will be required to submit the following forms to the SGA Advisor:
- Overview of Required Forms - PDF
- Conference Review Form - PDF
- Liability Form - PDF
- Receipt Count Form - PDF
Your Faculty Sponsor
It is necessary for you to have a faculty sponsor to complete your application and verify your attendance. This does not mean the faculty member must attend, but they will need to see proof of participation. You are responsible for making sure the faculty sponsor has filled out the Attendance Verification Form, whereas you are responsible for the student portion below.
Multiple Conferences
If you are attending multiple conferences and looking for compensation, please fill out multiple applications. You may use the same answers given for questions one and two on each application. You will not be required to find multiple faculty sponsors, but you may feel it necessary.
Application Deadline
The deadline to apply is February 1st. We wish you the best of luck!
- Student Events Committee: Katelyn Cothren, Cochair; Emma Jackson, Cochair
- Spirit Day Events Committee: Katelyn Cothren, Cochair; Emma Jackson, Cochair
- Student Issues Committee: Mason McLain, Chair
- Inter Club Council (ICC): Katelyn Cothren, Chair
- Student Government Appropriations & Finance Committee (SGAFC): Matthew Peeler, Chair
Constitution Of The Student Government Of Catawba College
We the students of Catawba College, in order to establish a representative student government, to represent the opinion of the student body, to promote unity in the College community, to promote a quality educational environment, to protect our common interest, and to ensure the personal freedom and general welfare of the student body, do hereby ordain and establish this Constitution of the Student Government of Catawba College.
The official name shall be: Catawba College Student Government Association and shall hereafter be referred to as the “SGA.” The SGA derives its authority from the Board of Trustees of the college and is responsible for the allocation of student activity fees.
All currently enrolled day students are members of the Student Government of Catawba College (as defined by the Office of the Registrar) and will hereby be referred to as the Student Body. Student Body members are encouraged to participate actively in the Catawba College community.
It is the purpose of the Student Government Association to enact faithfully the powers delegated to the Student Body by the Board of Trustees and to represent the best interests of the students and of the College.
Powers Delegated to the Student Body:
At their annual meeting on February 19, 1974, the Catawba College Board of Trustees delegated the following powers to the Student Body:
- To establish a representative student government;
- To establish qualifications for officers of student government;
- To establish impeachment procedures for officers of student government;
- To recommend to the Administration and Board of Trustees, through the appropriate processes, rules that regulate, control, and dictate student conduct on campus and student organizations;
- To recommend to the Administration and Board of Trustees, through the appropriate processes, changes in overall Catawba College policy and regulations;
- To create boards to try cases not retained by the Administration of alleged violations of student and college regulations;
- To enact procedural rules for student conduct and governmental activities; and
- To recommend to the President of the College (or his designated representative) for those students who violate student and College regulations suspension and expulsion when such might be warranted.
Section 1: Executive Officers
Executive officers shall consist of one (1) Student Government President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Executive officers may not be classified as first year students, and they must have completed a minimum of 30 credit hours. It is the duty of the Executive Vice President to confirm that requirements of Executive Officer candidates are met according to Catawba College Records. All Executive officers are required to be full-time day students (as determined by the Office of the Registrar), hold at least a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.2 throughout their term, and may not be on academic or disciplinary probation. The term of office shall be for one (1) academic year and may be succeeded upon re-election by the Student Body. An Executive officer shall not hold more than one (1) elected SGA position at the same time. If any of the above qualifications are not met, an Executive officer may be subject to impeachment proceedings.
Section 2: Class Officers
Class officers shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and two (2) Senators from each class. The class an officer is eligible to represent is denoted according to their number of completed credit hours, unless the student chooses to run on the basis of the duration of their degree, to which the student may choose to represent their current year at Catawba: first, second, third, or fourth. However, this must be verified by the Office of the Registrar, and the representation must either match a student’s credit hours, point of entry, or duration of degree. All Class officers are required to be full-time day students (as determined by the Office of the Registrar), hold at least a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.2 throughout their term, and may not be on academic or disciplinary probation. The term of office shall be for one (1) academic year and may be succeeded upon re-election by the Student Body. A Class officer shall not hold more than one (1) elected SGA position at the same time. If any of the above qualifications are not met, a Class officer may be subject to impeachment proceedings.
Section 3: Senators-at-Large
Two (2) Senators-at-Large will be elected from the Student Body to serve as members of Congress. Senators-at-Large shall be members of any class. Both Senators-at-Large are required to be full-time day students (as determined by the Office of the Registrar), hold at least a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.2 throughout their term, and may not be on academic or disciplinary probation. The term of office shall be for one (1) academic year and may be succeeded upon re-election by the Student Body. A Senator-at-Large shall not hold more than one (1) elected SGA position at the same time. If any of the above qualifications are not met, a Senator-at-Large may be subject to impeachment proceedings.
Section 4: Congress
The legislative authority of the SGA shall be known as Congress. The membership shall be the Executive President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary, as well as the Class Presidents and Senators and the two (2) Senators-at-Large.
Section 5: SGA Advisors
The Executive Board shall select at least two (2) Faculty or Staff advisors to serve Congress for a period of one year. SGA Advisors may succeed themselves, at the discretion of the Executive Board. Advisors must be notified at least one (1) week in advance of all scheduled SGA meetings, and meetings must be held during a time that is regularly available to the advisors.
Section 6: Cabinet
The Cabinet shall be made up of the Executive Board and the At-Large Senators.
Section 7: Additional Councils
If the Graduate School, or Evening Program desires, they may hold a council in the form of an SGA Class Board. These two programs, or additional programs formed at Catawba College, may send one voting delegate to Congress, if desired.
The elected Executive Officers shall be installed by the President of the College, Dean of Students, or their chosen representative. The elected Class officers shall be installed by the President of the SGA.
Before taking office, all officers shall take the following oath:
“I, (name of officer), do solemnly promise to uphold and abide by the Constitution and By-Laws of the Student Government Association, and to promote and protect the interests of my constituents and of Catawba College.”
The Bylaws shall be the official rules and operating procedures of the Catawba College Student Government Association. The Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3rds) vote of the Congress. Amendments may be voted on and ratified during the same meeting at which they are presented and shall become effective immediately. The Constitution shall not be suspended for any reason.
Section 1: Proposal
Any member of the Student Body is allowed to submit a proposal to amend the Constitution. To propose an amendment to the Constitution of the SGA the following procedures must be followed:
- The author of the amendment must email a copy to the Executive President of SGA no later than 1 week prior to the next Congress meeting.
- The amendment must specify the reason for the proposed change, what the change is, where it is to be placed, and what impact the amendment will have on the Student Body.
- The amendment must be of reasonable cause and of reasonable execution (i.e. the school must have the ability to make the change if approved).
- The Executive President will email the proposal to all members of all members of Congress.
Section 2: Amendment Approval
The Executive President will include the proposed amendment on the subsequent Congress agenda for formal debate. If a vote occurs, no less than a three-fourths (3/4ths) vote is needed for approval.
Revised April 2024
Bylaws To The Constitution
Section 1: Executive Officers
Sub-Section 1. Duties and Powers
The Executive members of the SGA shall have duties and powers as indicated:
Executive President
The Executive President shall:
- Act as the Chief Executive Officer and faithfully execute all provisions of the Constitution and By-Laws of the SGA.
- Is responsible for scheduling and conducting all Cabinet and Congress meetings, which shall be no less than twice a month. With the exception of emergency meetings and/or situations as approved by an SGA advisors, notice of at least one (1) week will be required to call or cancel a Cabinet or Congress meeting. The President must also notify each Class President and Committee Chair at least one week in advance of the date of required formal reports to Congress.
- Recommend legislation to the Cabinet and Congress.
- Act as Chief Executive Officer for all committees. The Executive President should serve as the Chair of the Student Events Committee or designate a Chair of the committee. The Executive President should also designate a standing impeachment committee and appoint a Chair of the ICC. The Executive President should determine the student issues committees and create temporary ad-hoc committees if deemed necessary to better meet the needs of the students and College.
- May veto any action of Congress within one week. The President has the power to veto an entire action or any portion of an action. If a veto occurs, all members of Congress must be notified by the President. If a veto conflicts with any actions that would occur prior to the next Congress meeting, an emergency meeting must be called by the Executive Vice President. Congress may override a presidential veto with no less than 2/3 majority vote.
- Act as an ex-officio and non-voting member of all committees.
- Choose to initiate an SGA retreat.
- Act as a liaison between the SGA and College Administration. The President shall meet regularly, at least once per month, with the SGA advisors, Dean of Students and the President of the College to discuss any important matters regarding the Student Body.
- Attend meetings and serve on committees as deemed necessary by the Board of Trustees, President of the College, Dean of Students, and/or SGA Advisors). The President must give a report to Congress of these meetings once a month.
- Create and distribute an agenda at all regularly scheduled Congress meetings.
- Can appoint a parliamentarian to serve as an ex-officio member and ensure that parliamentary procedure is followed.
- Hold office hours for a minimum of 30 hours per month or less as approved by an SGA advisor. Hours are to be posted outside the SGA Office and on the SGA website.
Designate an advisor specifically for the incoming freshman class officers. Executive Vice President
The Executive Vice President shall:
- Assume the temporary authority of the President in their absence, and perform all functions, duties and responsibilities for the duration of the absence only.
- Assume the role of the President should the position become vacant.
- Hold office hours for a minimum of 20 hours per month or less as approved by an SGA advisor. Hours are to be posted outside the SGA Office, on the SGA bulletin board and on the SGA website.
- Be granted the power to supervise, facilitate and oversee all elections held by the SGA (including SGA Officer, Homecoming and Mr. & Ms. Catawba elections) and follow all election procedures as outlined in the By-Laws.
- Duties include putting together all election packets and informing the Student Body of requirements of candidacy in the various elections prior to all SGA elections (not to include Homecoming elections).
- The Executive Vice President must also work with the Office of the Registrar at the beginning of the academic year to pull the credit-hour lists and entry term for each class for the purposes of proofing the ballots and votes.
- The Executive Vice President has the authority to ask for the assistance of the class Vice Presidents in all facets of the election process.
- Intermittently between voting times and following all elections, give all ballots to the SGA Advisors for verification and counting purposes.
- Call an emergency meeting if a presidential veto conflicts with any actions that would occur prior to the next Congress meeting.
- Work with the Public Relations Committee to create a system where all of Catawba’s clubs and organizations events are compiled and distributed to the Student Body.
- Be responsible for any other charge deemed necessary by the President.
Executive Secretary
The Executive Secretary shall:
- Record, type, post, electronically distribute, and keep on file all proceedings and minutes of official and unofficial Congress meetings within one week. The Secretary shall email the minutes to all members of the SGA, the Student Body, faculty, and staff.
- Provide a copy of the minutes and agenda to anyone requesting a copy who hasn’t already received one.
- Record and keep on file the attendance and absences of all SGA members, advisors, and guests.
- Be responsible for maintaining the SGA website. The website will inform the Student Body of the current goals and accomplishments of the SGA as well as provide all relevant information including but not limited to the most recent Congress and Class meetings.
- Act as a liaison between the SGA and Catawba College's Office of Marketing and Communications.
- Oversee and chair the Public Relations Committee of the Student Government Association.
- Maintain the Student Government Association social media.
- Hold office hours for a minimum of 15 hours per month or less as approved by an SGA advisor. Hours are to be posted outside the SGA Office, on the SGA bulletin board and on the SGA website.
- Be responsible for any other charge deemed necessary by the SGA President.
- Assist the Executive Vice President in working with the Public Relations Committee to maintain a system where all of Catawba’s clubs and organizations events are compiled and distributed to the Student Body.
- Maintain the Clubs and Organizations booklet. The booklet must be posted online, printed out for new student orientation, and provided to the Director of Retention and Academic Support.
Executive Treasurer:
The Executive Treasurer shall:
- Be responsible for the SGA’s finances, appropriately recording all transactions.
- Act as the Chairperson of the Finance Committee.
- Act as the Chairperson of the Travel Scholarship Committee.
- Make a report once a month to the Congress regarding the status of accounts and Finance Committee updates.
- Supervise the activities of all fundraising conducted by the Congress, not to include fundraising within the classes.
- Create a preliminary budget allocation for the entire school year before the first congress.
- Email the President a budget update at least once a month that includes: the Student Activities budget and a list of clubs/organizations that received allocations that month.
- Provide documentation to each club or organization requesting funds explaining why the budget request or parts thereof was approved/denied within 48 hours of the Finance Committee meeting.
- Hold office hours for a minimum of 15 hours per month or less as approved by an SGA advisor. Hours are to be posted outside the SGA Office, on the SGA bulletin board and on the SGA website.
- Be responsible for any other charge deemed necessary by the SGA President.
Sub-Section 2. Cabinet Officer Replacement
In the event that a Cabinet officer resigns, graduates, or is removed from office, members of Congress will make nominations for a replacement officer, to include previous candidates who ran for that position. A replacement officer must meet the qualifications outlined in the Constitution and Bylaws, which is not limited to members who are currently serving in Congress. Each nominated member, if the nomination is accepted, shall complete an application to be submitted to the Executive Vice President (or Executive President if the absent position is the Vice President). The remaining members of the SGA Cabinet shall consider all nominations made by Congress and then choose one (1) nominee to be approved as an acting Cabinet Officer by 2/3 affirmative vote of Congress.
Sub-Section 3. Cabinet Meetings
All Cabinet officers are required to attend Cabinet meetings to be held no less than twice per month and no less than once between Congress meetings at a time that is convenient to all officers. No Executive Officer shall have more than two (2) unexcused absences from scheduled Cabinet meetings. Absences must be excused at least 24 hours in advance (unless a true emergency exists) and can only be excused by the SGA President and/or SGA advisor(s).
Section 2: Class Officers
Sub-Section 1. Duties and Powers
Class officers of the SGA shall have duties and powers as indicated:
Class President
The Class President shall:
- Schedule and conduct all Class officer meetings which shall be no less than twice per month. With the exception of emergency meetings and or situations as approved by the SGA President, notice of at least one (1) week will be required to call or cancel a Class meeting.
- Present a formal Class meeting report to Congress once per month—this date will be given by the Executive President of the SGA.
- Attend all Congress meetings.
- Hold voting powers in Congress.
- Correspond and communicate with fellow officers on a weekly basis.
- The Class President must send another Class officer as a voting representative to Congress meetings, if they are unable to attend. The representative may not be representing any other position at the same meeting. The Executive President must be notified of the replacement officer at least one (1) week in advance with the exception of emergency situations, determined by the Executive President. The absentee will be required to communicate with the representative and will be held responsible for all information missed.
- Serve on at least one (1) standing Student Government Committee.
Class Vice President
The Class Vice President shall:
- In the absence of the President, assume presidential authority in class officer meetings.
- Assist with any and all elections at the discretion of the SGA Executive Vice President.
- Serve on at least one (1) standing Student Government Committee.
- Be responsible for any other charge deemed necessary by the Executive or Class President.
Class Secretary
The Class Secretary shall:
- Record, type, electronically distribute and maintain a file of all minutes of official and unofficial class officer meetings within one (1) week. The minutes shall be emailed to all respective Class officers and the Executive Secretary.
- Assist the Class President with other secretarial duties as requested and necessary.
- Serve on the Public Relations Committee of the SGA.
- Potentially be appointed or be given the option to serve on at least one (1) additional Student Government Committee.
- Be responsible for any other charge deemed necessary by the Executive or Class President.
Class Treasurer
The Class Treasurer shall:
- Maintain class finances and prepare all budget requests on behalf of the Class.
- Monitor all Class fundraisers.
- Serve on the Student Government Association Finance Committee (SGAFC).
- Potentially be appointed or be given the option to serve on at least one (1) additional Student Government Committee.
- Be responsible for any other charge deemed necessary by the Executive or Class President.
Class Senator
The Class Senators shall:
- Attend all Congress meetings.
- Hold voting powers in Congress.
- Provide assistance to fellow Class officers with activities of the class.
- A Class Senator must send another Class officer as a voting representative to Congress meetings, if they are unable to attend. The representative may not be representing any other position at the same meeting. The Executive President must be notified of the replacement officer at least one (1) week in advance with the exception of emergency situations, determined by the Executive President. The absentee will be required to communicate with the representative and will be held responsible for all information missed.
- Serve on at least one (1) standing Student Government Committee.
- Be responsible for any other charge deemed necessary by the Executive or Class President.
Sub-Section 2. Class Officer Replacement
In the event that a Class officer resigns, graduates, or is removed from office, the remaining members of the Class will make nominations for a replacement officer, to include previous candidates who ran for that position. Each nominated member, if the nomination is accepted, shall complete an application to be submitted to the Executive Vice President. The members of the Cabinet shall consider all nominations made by the Class and then choose one (1) nominee with consideration given to current Class officer suggestions.
Sub-Section 3. Class Meetings
All Class officers are required to attend class meetings to be held no less than twice per month and no less than once between Congress meetings at a time that is convenient to all officers. No Class officer shall have more than two (2) unexcused absences from scheduled Class meetings. Absences must be excused at least 24 hours in advance (unless a true emergency exists) and can only be excused by the Class President. In the event a conflict arises regarding approval of absences, an SGA advisor will be consulted and will make the final decision.
Section 3: Senators-At-Large
Sub-Section 1. Duties and Powers
Senators-At-Large of the SGA shall have duties and powers as indicated:
The Senators-At-Large shall:
- Attend all Congress meetings.
- A Senator-At-Large must send another Class officer as a voting representative to Congress meetings who is not already required to attend Congress meetings, if they are unable to attend. The representative may not be representing any other position at the same meeting. The Executive President must be notified of the replacement officer at least one (1) week in advance with the exception of emergency situations, determined by the Executive President. The absentee will be required to communicate with the representative and will be held responsible for all information missed.
- Serve on at least one (1) standing Student Government Committee.
- Hold voting powers in Congress.
Sub-Section 2. Senators-At-Large Replacement
In the event that a Senator-At-Large officer resigns, graduates, or is removed from office, the remaining members of the Congress will make nominations for a replacement officer, to include previous candidates who ran for that position. Each nominated member, if the nomination is accepted, shall complete an application to be submitted to the Vice President. The members of the SGA Cabinet shall consider all nominations made by Congress and then choose one (1) nominee to be approved as an acting Senator-At-Large by two-thirds (2/3rds) affirmative vote of Congress.
Section 4: SGA Advisors
The SGA Advisors shall:
- Check all Executive and Class officer GPA’s at least 3 times per year, once at the beginning of the fall and spring semesters for currently elected officers and once at the end of the spring semester for newly and returning elected officers.
- Act as a liaison between the SGA and the rest of the Catawba community as needed.
- Be well informed of the Constitution, By-Laws, and procedures of the Student Government Association.
- Assist SGA officers with event planning, offer advice and guidance, and provide support to the SGA as needed.
- Be granted speaking privileges at all official meetings.
- Assist with the elections process, more specifically: receive election packets; count all election ballots and assure their accuracy (this includes all Homecoming ballots and assisting with the portions of Homecoming that are to be kept confidential); and communicate the results in such a manner as to effectively notify the Student Body within a reasonable amount of time after the elections.
Section 5: Class Advisors
An advisor should be well informed of the Constitution, By-Laws, and procedures of the Student Government Association. An advisor can be chosen by the Class officers or appointed by the Executive President. The role of a Class advisor shall be to assist Class officers with event planning, offer advice and guidance, and provide support to the Class as needed. Class advisors must be notified at least one (1) week in advance of all scheduled Class meetings. Meetings must be held during a time that is regularly available to the Class Advisor. Advisors must be chosen, except for the freshman class, by the Class officers, but the Executive President has the authority to appoint class advisors if needed.
Section 1. Meetings
- 1. SGA Meetings are to be conducted according to rules established in the SGA Constitution and Bylaws. Meetings shall be conducted following Roberts Rules of Order and parliamentary procedure; however, the SGA President may also establish procedures for meetings.
The SGA President may also propose additional rules or procedures for Congress. To establish additional congressional procedure, the SGA President must introduce an individual rule or code of conduct, outlining the (1) details of the rule(s), (2) how the rule will be implemented and executed, and (3) the stages of consequences for non-adherence to the rule. These rules and/or their implementation and punishment procedures are subject to amendment by Congress. Proposed rules or procedures and subsequent consequences must be approved conjunctively by a 2/3 vote. - When a situation that is not covered by the Constitution or the Bylaws arises, the Cabinet shall refer to the parliamentarian, who shall refer to Robert’s Rules of Order, newly revised. All Congress members shall be informed of basic parliamentary procedure at the first meeting of the year or on the SGA retreat, or of the procedure that the Executive President decides to follow.
Section 2. Quorums
A quorum of Congress is the number of members that must be present in order to legally transact business. A quorum of no less than two-thirds of the elected members not including the presiding officer must be present at official meetings of Congress.
Section 3. Procedures
- All elected officers serving on Congress shall have one (1) vote in Congress meetings, except for the Student Government Executive President, or presiding officer. The Executive President or presiding officer will have one (1) vote in the case of a tie.
- Congress has the ability to pass bills and resolutions. SGA bills are subject to Presidential veto.
Section 4. Absences
Each elected and appointed SGA officer shall be allowed two (2) unexcused absences from Congress during a semester. For an absence to be excused (not including an emergency situation), a voting representative must be sent to the Congress meeting. The Student Government Executive President, or the presiding officer, shall excuse absences on the grounds of illness, personal emergency, theatrical or musical rehearsal or performance, athletic competition or practice, academic conference, short-term academic travel experience, or an academic class held only during an SGA meeting time. The accumulation of three unexcused absences during the semester is grounds for impeachment. If a Congressional member chooses to exceed these absences, the Class officers filling can be grounds for impeachment if desired.
Section 5. Sunshine Rule
- All members of the Student Body have the right to attend any or all regularly scheduled Congress, Cabinet, or Class meetings.
- All members have the right to be granted speaking privileges at any or all regularly scheduled Congress, Cabinet, or Class meetings, in accordance with regular meeting procedures.
- All members of the Student Body will be allowed to make proposals at any regularly scheduled Congress meetings if they have followed proper proposal procedures as outlined in the Constitution.
- All members of the Student Body have the right to read any and all minutes taken by the Executive Secretary during Congress.
Section 1. Grounds
- Negligence in the performance of duties according to the Constitution of the Student Government of Catawba College, the By-Laws of the Student Government and the Catawba College Honor Code, or the conviction of a conduct violation is cause for removal from office.
- Each allegation will be treated as a separate charge.
Section 2. Procedures
- Any member of the Catawba College Student Body may bring charges of impeachment against any elected or appointed member of the Student Government, if violations as stated in the Constitution or By-Laws have, or are believed to have occurred, with the exception of the GPA requirement. If a member’s GPA falls below the stated minimum, they will be immediately removed from office, unless otherwise approved (due to extenuating circumstances) by an SGA Advisor.
- An official charge must be in writing, must include all allegations being brought, and it must be signed by the person(s) initiating the process of impeachment.
- The writing must also be accompanied by evidence which supports the allegations.
- The member of the Student Body who wishes to bring charges of impeachment must notify the SGA Advisor(s). The SGA Advisor(s) will then notify the member whom charges have been brought against. The member will have the opportunity to respond to the allegations and either decide to have a hearing or resign from their position.
- If the member chooses to resign from their position and gives a verbal confirmation, their resignation will be deemed effective immediately and they will need to write a formal letter of resignation to Congress prior to the next regularly scheduled Congress meeting. The Executive President or presiding officer will be notified and will read the letter at the next regularly scheduled Congress meeting. If no letter is written or given to the Executive President or presiding officer, the member will have no other formal opportunities to address Congress regarding the resignation and the Executive President or presiding officer will make a brief notification of the resignation to all other members.
- If the member chooses to have a hearing, the Executive President or presiding officer will call on the pre-designated Impeachment Committee within three (3) days.
- The Impeachment Committee will meet to discuss the allegations within three (3) days of notification. The accused and accuser must be notified of the meeting time and place once it is finalized, and it must be at a time that affords them the opportunity to attend (based on the criteria of excused absences allowed). If the accused does not wish to address the committee, they may write a letter which rebuts the allegations against them to be used in lieu of their appearance. This letter must be delivered to the SGA Advisor prior to the start of the committee meeting.
- The accused and accuser will have the opportunity to address the Impeachment Committee during their meeting regarding the allegations. If the accuser fails to address the committee, the committee will rely on the written notification for discussion purposes. If the accused fails to address the committee, but instead writes a rebuttal letter, the committee will rely on the written letter for discussion purposes. If there is no letter, the committee must use an objective standard if no other information is available. The Impeachment Committee members, the accused and accuser must not discuss the allegations/situation with anyone prior to the Impeachment Committee meeting.
- After hearing from both the accused and accuser, if the Impeachment Committee finds no grounds to warrant charges of impeachment the charges will be dropped. The Impeachment Committee will discuss each charge separately and determine, by a majority vote (all members having one (1) vote) the credibility of each charge. Only the charges of impeachment that are found to be credible by the Impeachment Committee will go to a vote which will be placed on the agenda for the next regularly scheduled Congress meeting. If the vote pertains to the Executive President, their duties will be temporarily suspended, and the Executive Vice-President will be responsible for creating the agenda and presiding over the next regularly scheduled Congress meeting. If violations are deemed critical by the SGA Advisor(s), the Executive President or presiding officer can schedule an emergency Congress meeting for the impeachment hearing within five (5) days of notification of the Impeachment Committee.
- A 2/3 affirmative vote by Congress is required for removal of a member of the SGA.
Section 1. General Guidelines
Committees are part of the basic working units of the governmental structure. It is not, however, a prerequisite that committee members be SGA members. Persons from various segments of the campus community may serve on standing committees as approved by the Executive President.
Committees will be made up of Standing Committees, known as ICC and SGAFC, Events Committees, for Homecoming, the SGA Gala, and Catawbapalooza, as well as Student Issues Committees, to be determined by the Executive President on a yearly basis, and approved by Congress.
- Each of the standing committees shall meet at least once per month. If a standing committee fails to meet once per month, the SGA Executive President may appoint a new Chair- person(s).
- Committee chairperson(s) shall make a formal report to Congress at least once per month, to report on the committee activities and to ensure that they are fulfilling their necessary duties.
- Each committee will consist of at least one (1) member from each class.
Section 2. Selection of Committee Chairs
- These selections will be open to all of the Student Body to include all day students, not including the Student Events Committee Chair, the SGAFC Chair, and the ICC Chair. Those who were elected as an SGA officer are also eligible to run for a chair of a committee.
- One individual cannot run for more than one position unless there is a vacant chair position in any given committee. In the event that no one runs for any given committee, Congress will proceed by making nominations and approving those nominations by a two-thirds (2/3rds) vote. If a two-thirds (2/3rds) vote cannot be established, it will go to a simple majority. In the event of a tie, the Executive President will break the tie.
- The Executive Vice President will be in charge of these selections through advertising and making applications available to the Student Body.
- The applicant must indicate on the application which committee he/she would like to chair.
- After all of the applications have been gathered, a committee comprised of the standing Executive Board (not the newly elected if elections occur in the Spring. If elections occur in the fall, the newly elected Executive Board will comprise the committee.) and the SGA Advisors will conduct a brief interview with each applicant. From the applications and the interview, the Executive board will select a chair for each individual committee.
- In coordination with the Constitution, committee chairs must hold a GPA of at least a 2.2.
- Once the chair of the committee is selected the chair will be sworn in with all other officers of SGA and must uphold and abide by the Constitution of Catawba College.
- The chair of each committee must hold a committee meeting at least twice a month and must report to congress once a month. He/she must also ensure that anyone in the Student Body that is interested in a given committee has the opportunity to serve on and be a part of any given committee.
- The committee chair is also subject to impeachment in the event that he/she is not upholding his/her duties as the chair of a committee.
- In the event that a chair(s) is not filled by May 1, the chair(s) left open will be open to incoming freshmen. The applications for selection will be made available no longer than two after school begins.
- If a chair does not fulfill his/her duties, the executive board has the ability to select an individual to replace the current chair. Nominations will be made in Congress (to include those who previously applied for the position). Those who are nominated can be present in congress to accept the nomination or can accept the nomination over email. The Executive Vice President will send an application to the nominees to fill out and the nominees will set up an interview with the Executive Board and the SGA advisors. That committee will then review the applications and interviews and select the most qualified chairperson.
- In the event that an Executive board officer is applying for the chair, he/she must step down from the selection committee for only the chair that he/she is applying for, and a senator at large will fill the spot on the selection committee. If multiple Executive officers decide to run for one particular chair, they must step down from the selection committee and both senators at large will fill in on the selection committee.
- A given individual can only hold two chair positions at a given time (to include ad-hoc committees).
- Each chairperson is responsible for any other charge deemed necessary by the Executive President.
Section 3. Committees & Duties
Student Issues Committees
The Student Issues Committees shall be determined by the Executive President at the beginning of each year. These committees shall achieve the following:
- Investigate issues that concern students and host at least one constituent outreach event per year that focuses specifically on issues concerning students. Some examples may include: surveys, roundtables, forums, etc.
- Be responsible for the promotion of communication between the Student Body and the SGA regarding student issues and concerns.
- Serve as a liaison between the Office of Public Safety and the Student Body.
- Serve as a liaison between the Student Affairs Office, more specifically, matters concerning the Residence Halls, Residence Life staff, and any other issues that may fall under the purview of Student Affairs.
- Perform other duties as requested by the Executive Cabinet or Executive President.
- Ensure the needs of the Student Body are met in the following areas: Diversity & Inclusion, Mental Health & Safety, Housing, Facilities, & Infrastructure
Standing Committees
Student Government Association Finance Committee (SGAFC)
The finance committee will replace what was formerly known as the Student Government Appropriations Committee (SGAC). The Finance Committee shall be established to allocate funding from the Student Activities Fund to ICC chartered clubs and organizations on campus in order to provide meaningful and entertaining activities to the Student Body. The Executive Treasurer may approve funding to non- chartered clubs in special circumstances if deemed important/necessary once per annum for each club. All members serving on Finance Committee shall have one (1) vote in Finance Committee meetings, except for the Student Government Executive Treasurer, or presiding officer. The Executive Treasurer or presiding officer will have one (1) vote in the case of a tie. The Finance Committee shall:
- Consist of: The Executive Officers, the Class Treasurers and at least one (1) SGA Advisor. The Assistant or Director of Campus Life may serve as a resource to the Finance Committee as needed.
- Enforce all Finance Committee and Inner Club Council (ICC) regulations as it pertains to all funding matters.
- Allocate funding from the Student Activities Fund to clubs and organizations on campus in order to provide meaningful and entertaining activities to the Student Body.
- Review and approve/deny all budget requests.
- Initiate or assist in all fundraising events conducted by Congress.
- In conjunction with the Executive Vice-President, using the existing Finance Committee and ICC rules and regulations, refine anything on the list as necessary. The Assistant or Director of Campus Life may serve as a resource in providing information pertaining to past procedures and traditions. All refined rules and regulations must be passed by a majority of finance committee members.
- Emergency Budget Requests: Each chartered club on campus is allowed one emergency request each semester. The emergency request should be submitted to the Executive Treasurer, who shall send an email out to the committee. The committee shall have 48 hours to view the request and respond to the Executive Treasurer.
Inter-Club Council (ICC)
The ICC is made up of all charter club and organization presidents or representatives. The Chair of the ICC shall handle all administrative paperwork of SGA Chartered clubs and organizations. More details on the function of the ICC can be found in Article V.
Impeachment Committee
The Executive President will determine members of an Impeachment Committee at the first Congress. This should be made up of the Executive Officers, Class Presidents, and at least one (1) SGA Advisor. Additionally, four SGA members will be selected as back-ups. Therefore, if an impeachment does occur, there will be non-biased members in place to replace a potential officer in question who is one of those original committee members, they will not serve on the committee and they will not be replaced by a substitute
Student Events Committee: Homecoming, Catawbapalooza, and the SGA Gala
The Student Events Committees shall:
- In cooperation with the Assistant or Director of Campus Life organize homecoming festivities in the fall, the SGA Gala in the Spring, and Catawbapalooza in the Spring.
- Communicate with the Executive Vice-President and SGA Advisor(s) on all matters regarding Homecoming Nominations and Elections.
- In cooperation with the Assistant or Director of Campus Life, shall be a resource in organizing Catawbapalooza in the spring.
- With the Assistant or Director of Campus Life and SGA Executive Board this committee will place clubs and organizations who plan to ask for money in which semester they will plan their event. This will allow them to place clubs and organizations in places necessary for their major event.
- Organize the SGA Gala festivities.
- Perform other duties as requested by the Executive Cabinet or Executive President.
Section 4. Ad-hoc Committees
The purpose of an ad-hoc committee is to study a specific issue or administer a project that does not fall within the jurisdiction of any standing committee. By definition, ad hoc committees should serve for a limited amount of time and then be dissolved. The ad-hoc committee must make periodic reports on its progress to the Congress and the Executive President may dissolve the committee if it becomes inactive.
Section 5. Committee Meetings
All committee members are required to attend committee meetings to be held no less than once per month and at a time that is convenient to all members. No committee member shall have more than two (2) unexcused absences from scheduled committee meetings. Absences must be excused at least 24 hours in advance (unless a true emergency exists) and can only be excused by the Committee Chair or Executive President. In the event a conflict arises regarding approval of absences an SGA advisor will be consulted and will make the final decision.
Section 1. The ICC
Sub-Section 1.
The Inter Club Council (ICC) is made up of all chartered club presidents and treasurers or a representative that the chartered club appoints to fill in for one of these members. The purpose of ICC is to encourage communication between all chartered clubs and provide any resources that clubs may need. The ICC will work together to inform the Student Body of the events they plan and will work together to accomplish programming needs of the institution.
Sub-Section 2. ICC Members and Responsibilities
The president and treasurer of each club is a member of the ICC. This includes the president and treasurer of each class in SGA. These members will:
- Attend all ICC meetings. One club member may be nominated as an alternate to attend meetings in the case of an emergency.
- Complete any necessary paperwork as required by the ICC Chair and the SGAFC.
- Present budget requests and attend budget hearings to be eligible for funding.
- Be the only club members to manage the school's money or credit cards, unless otherwise approved by an Executive Officer.
- Bring up issues, comments, and concerns as they arise to ICC meetings.
- Schedule events on the activity calendar and reserve facilities before submitting budget requests.
- Provide current club information to the Executive Secretary every year and as changes are made. This information will be placed into a booklet provided to prospective students and published on Catawba’s website.
- Complete any and all other tasks deemed necessary by the Executive President.
Sub-Section 3. Accountability
All clubs will be responsible for:
- Registering their club on an annual basis, providing essential information to the Executive Secretary and Executive Vice President.
- Planning, organizing, and sponsoring two school wide event each year (one per semester)..
- Co-sponsor one school wide event each year. This event is recommended to be a Campus Life event, or another larger event. You are not responsible for the planning; however, you will be responsible for assisting during the event. If you fail to provide the assistance you have promised, you will be required to co-sponsor another event.
- Host or participate in a community service event.
- Fundraising if clubs need personal funds (for parties, gifts, etc.), but will not be held accountable by the ICC for holding a fundraiser each semester.
- SGA Officers representing classes must complete two events, one community service project. No co-sponsored event is required, as all classes are required to help with Homecoming, the SGA Gala, and Catawbapalooza.
- Advertising events at least one week in advance and removing advertisement within 48 hours after the event.
- Spending money on requested and approved items only.
If any of the guidelines are not followed, the ICC has the right to recommend to Congress a club dormant for the following semester. If a club remains dormant for three consecutive semesters, the Congress has the right to withdraw the club's charter. If financial guidelines are not followed, SGAFC has the right to remove funding from the Student Activities Account from the club.
Section 2. SGAFC
Sub-Section1. SGAFC Purpose
The Finance Committee shall allocate funding from the Students Activities Fund to clubs and organizations on campus in order to provide useful and entertaining activities that will benefit the Student Body. Only chartered organizations are eligible to receive funds from the SGA Finance Committee. However, exceptions may be granted should the SGAFC Executive Treasurer deem the request in concern necessary and provided that two-thirds (2/3rds) obtain vote in favor of passing the exception. Therefore, any other non-club or organization that hosts events for which the SGA Finance Committee agrees will benefit the majority of the Student Body may be eligible for funding should the SGAFC Executive Treasurer deem it a reasonable exception and the SGA Finance Committee approve it thereafter. The non-clubs or organizations that do not host a charter and that are classified exceptions may only request funding once per annum from the SGAFC. All members serving on the SGA Finance Committee are entitled to have one (1) vote per budget request in Finance Committee Hearings except for the Executive Treasurer of presiding officer, whom shall serve as the Hearing’s administrator. Only in the case of a tie of votes may the Executive Treasurer or presiding officer be entitled to one (1) vote. A budget request submitted without approval of the event from the Director of Campus life constitutes immediate grounds for denial and is not subject to vote.
Sub-Section 2. SGAFC Members
The SGA Finance Committee shall be comprised of the following members:
- The SGA Executive Officers: Treasurer, President, Vice President and Secretary.
- The Class Treasurers: Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, and Senior Classes.
- At least one SGA advisor.
Sub-Section 3: Absenteeism of SGAFC members
In the absence of three or more SGAFC members, the budget hearing may not be held. The SGAFC members will be required to notify the SGAFC Executive Treasurer or President of an absence at least 48 hours prior to the hearing. Only a Class officer from the same class from which that treasurer is absent may serve as the replacement and must confirm this with the SGAFC Executive Treasurer or President 24 hours prior to arrival at the meeting. Emergencies are an exception to the absenteeism policy.
Sub-Section 4: Duties of the SGAFC
The SGA Finance Committee shall:
- Have all members of quorum present, as stipulated above: executives, class treasurers and at least one SGA advisor. The Assistant or Director of Campus Life may serve as a resource to the Finance Committee as needed.
- Enforce all Finance Committee and Inter Club Council (ICC) regulations as it pertains to all funding matters.
- Allocate funding from the Student Activities Fund to clubs and organizations on campus in order to provide meaningful and entertaining activities to the Student Body.
- Review and approve or deny all budget requests. Motions to approve or deny budgets may be tabled only should the allocation of funds be difficult to comprehend. A two-thirds (2/3rds) vote to table the motion is required, and the matter must be resolved within a week of the SGAFC hearing.
- Initiate or assist in all fundraising events conducted by Congress.
- In conjunction with the Executive Vice-President, using the existing Finance Committee and ICC rules and regulations, refine anything on the list as necessary. The Assistant or Director of Campus Life may serve as a resource in providing information pertaining to past procedures and traditions. All refined rules and regulations must be passed by a two thirds (2/3rds) vote of SGAFC members.
- Perform other duties as requested by the Executive Cabinet or Executive President.
Sub-Section 5: Rules of the SGAFC
The SGAFC shall abide by the following rules:
- Funds approved for clubs may only be used to fund school-wide events. Clubs may not request funds for club-only or class-only events.
- If requests include funding for giveaways, the club may not purchase a certain amount of giveaways strictly for the club. The money approved must be used in equal opportunity situations, where all students have the same chance to receive the giveaway. Clubs may provide club members with the giveaway at the time of the giveaway, but not before. Clubs may not pull giveaways for club members who are not present.
- The Executive Treasurer and ICC chair have the right to deem funding use inappropriate if the funds used were not all-inclusive and did not provide equal opportunity to all students.
- Chartered clubs may request funds for fundraising. In this case, funds may be allocated on a no-interest loan basis. Any income from the fundraiser must first cover the expenses accrued to the SGAFC budget. After these expenses are covered, the club may keep the profits for their budget. Should the expenses outweigh the income accrued, the club will not be held liable for paying the missing sum. Items intended for the fundraiser must be sold at equal opportunity. In particular, this means that the club may not give these items to anybody for free or at reduced rates. Rule 1 of this subsection does not apply to funds allocated for fundraising. Should a club be found to have purposefully misused the funds provided, the SGAFC may require the club to cover the expenses accrued. Any fundraising request deemed unlikely to succeed may be denied by SGAFC.
Section 1. Composition
The Student Conduct Board will be comprised of five (5) students and three (3) faculty members. Proceedings will be run by the Conduct Officer as titled by Student Affairs; this may not be the Dean of Students. Each trial will be heard by three (3) of five (5) students and two (2) of three faculty members. There will also be an Appellate Board. This Appellate Board is completely separate and comprised of a completely different set of people. The Appellate Board will be comprised of two (2) students, two (2) faculty members, and two (2) staff members. Each appeal will be heard by one (1) student, one (1) faculty member, and one (1) staff member. Student Conduct Board Representatives and Student Appellate Board Members will be selected by the Conduct Advisory Board. The Conduct Advisory Board will be comprised of the Dean of Students, the Conduct Officer, one faculty member, and one member of the Student Government Association Executive Cabinet. The Conduct Advisory Board will only meet to select a new member (or members) for the Student Conduct Board and/or the Appellate Board.
Section 2. Eligibility Requirements
Student Conduct Board Representatives and Student Appellate Board Members must have a 2.2 Grade Point Average (GPA), may not be a member of the Student Government Association, may not be a Resident Assistant, may not have any academic dishonesty violations, and may not have any major behavioral misconduct.
Section 3. Student Selection Process
Sub-Section 1. Nomination Period
A student will be nominated by anyone in conjunction with the school (students, faculty, and staff).
Sub-Section 2. Form of Application
After a student is nominated, they will be asked to fill out an application. Completion of the application will give consent for the Conduct Advisory Board to view the applicant’s behavioral and academic history. This application will have a due date by which the application must be submitted to be eligible.
Sub-Section 3. Selection
After the application due date, as stated on the application form, the Conduct Advisory Board, comprised of the Dean of Students, the Conduct Officer, one (1) faculty member, and one (1) Executive Cabinet member, will meet and review applications. They will discuss the candidates until they reach a unanimous decision. The person or persons the Conduct Advisory Board decides upon will then become a member of the respective board. An emphasis, when applicable, is placed on selecting experienced members of the Conduct Board for positions on the Appellate Board because of the appellate scope of the Appellate Board.
Section 4. Process
Sub-Section 1. Preliminary Conference
The Conduct Officer will notify the student of the charges against them and make them aware of any information yielding the aforementioned charges.
Sub-Section 2. Options
At this point the student will be given three options:
- Hearing in front of the Conduct Board – Demonstrates a desire for the case to be heard by a panel of peers and faculty.
- Hearing with Conduct Officer – Demonstrates a desire for the case to be private and not a matter to go in front of peers, faculty, and staff.
- Waive rights – demonstrates the violation is a standard violation and the student wishes to waive his or her rights for a trial and take the standard punishment.
Sub-Section 3. Trial
The specific format of the trial is dependent on the type of trial requested by the student.
Sub-Section 4. Appeal
A student has 48 hours to appeal a decision. They can appeal a previous decision on two grounds (1) there is new evidence or (2) the case was conducted in an unfair manner. The Appellate Board will determine if the claim for the appeal is true. The Appellate Board cannot increase a punishment should they disagree with either of the two claims. If they agree with the appeals claim, the Appellate Board may lessen or eliminate sanctions imposed by the Conduct Board.
Section 1. Candidate Eligibility
- All candidates must be full-time day students (as determined by the Office of the Registrar), hold at least a 2.2 cumulative GPA at the time of the election and throughout his/her term of office, may not be on academic or disciplinary probation, and must be a full-time student. B. Candidates may run for only one (1) elected position per election.
- To be eligible to run for an Executive Officer position, a student must have at least one (1) semester experience as a Congress officer with the exception of the Executive Treasurer position who must also have served on the Finance Committee for at least one (1) semester.
- The class an officer is eligible to represent is denoted according to their credit hours, or from their duration of time of study at Catawba College.
- Write-in candidates are not eligible to win an election.
Section 2. Voter Eligibility
- Any student who seeks to vote in SGA Elections (to include Class officer, Cabinet, Homecoming, and Mr. & Miss Catawba elections must be full-time Catawba Student.
- The student will vote in their class, based upon credits, unless the student would like to be classified with for the duration of their time at Catawba College not to exceed the graduation date of the class they initially registered with. This classification change must be done prior to elections and is the responsibility of the individual student to acknowledge on their ballot.
- Classes will be identified with the graduation date of the current school year to be representative of the senior class. For example, for the 2010-2011 school year, the Class of 2011 will be considered the “senior” class within the scope of the election.
- Students may only vote within their appropriate class.
Section 3. Candidate Registration
- Any student who seeks candidacy for any position must pick up an election packet and submit it by the deadline stated (four (4) days prior to the first election day by 5:00pm, or if the deadline falls on a weekend day, the deadline will be the Friday before at 5:00pm) to an SGA Advisor.
- No student may run for two positions at one (1) time.
- To be eligible to campaign and be placed on the ballot, a candidate must have been a registered voter. In addition, a candidate must have read, signed, and turned in a campaign rules form to an SGA Advisor verifying knowledge of the rules and their adherence. No campaigning will be allowed prior to turning in this form; any violations may be subject to disqualification.
- Optional campaigning will begin one (1) week prior to the election date.
- Mandatory campaigning will begin three (3) days prior to the election date. All eligible candidates are required to formally campaign in some manner during this time.
- In the event that someone is running for a single position (executive and Class officers, not to include senators) and no one else has turned in an election packet and fulfilled the campaign requirements, they will run unopposed.
- In the event that someone is running for a double position (senators and senators-at-large) and no one else has turned in an election packet and fulfilled the campaign requirements, the position will be separated on the ballot and they will run unopposed.
- In the event of a vacancy for any position, to be placed on the ballot, interested persons must notify the SGA Advisor at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to election day and must submit an election packet prior to the start of the voting period.
- If a vacancy remains after the elections are over, the Executive President in conjunction with the Executive Vice President and SGA Advisor(s) may either appoint officers (with a 2/3 majority vote of Congress) or hold another election.
- At the discretion of the Executive Vice President, a presentation of speeches may be scheduled separately or in conjunction with another event. The presentation shall be held during the week prior to elections and all candidates must be given at least 48 hours notice. If a candidate cannot attend, he or she may submit a videotaped speech to be played.
Section 4. Election Dates
- Three elections shall be held: one for Executive officer positions; one for Class officer and Senator-at-Large positions (excluding freshman Class officers); and one for Freshman Class officers.
- The Executive Vice President and SGA Advisor(s) will set Spring election dates for the Executive officers, Class officers, and Senator-at-Large elections (excluding the Freshman Class officers).
- Freshman Class officer elections will be held in the fall semester within the first one (1) month after classes have begun.
- A minimum of one and a maximum of two voter registration weeks will be held during the school year. One of these voter registration weeks must be held within the first 3 weeks of the school year, focused on (but not limited to) first year voters.
Section 5. Campaigning Guidelines
- The cost of campaigning materials for each candidate shall not exceed $75 (including, but not limited to: advertising material, food/candy giveaways, other gift items, or contributions made on behalf of the candidate). If questionable, receipts for campaign materials may be requested by the Executive Vice President and must be turned over immediately upon request. Receipts must be kept through the end of the election process. If needed, these costs can be reimbursed by the SGAFC.
- Candidates will not be able to run as a team (including, but not limited to campaign materials or any other means described below)
- All campaign materials must be approved in advance and initiated by an SGA Advisor. Unapproved materials must be removed immediately and failure to do so may result in disqualification.
- A candidate may contact another student to assist in the campaign efforts, but a candidate may not solicit through mail, email, phone, or any other means of telecommunication (not including websites).
- A candidate may not libel or slander any other candidate violations may be subject to sanctions imposed by the Student Conduct Administrator and the candidate may be subject to disqualification.
- Libel is defined as: a false statement, which is publicized to at least one (1) other person, that has the potential to or causes damage to another’s reputation.
- Slander is defined as: a false statement, which is made orally to at least one other person, that has the potential to or causes damage to another’s reputation.
- Posters or other written material may not be affixed to or hung from: signposts, light posts, exterior buildings, trees, etc. Glass paint and sidewalk chalk may not be used anywhere.
- No microphones, public announcements or group cheers may be used on behalf of a candidate in any building on campus.
- Door-to-door campaigning is not allowed, not to include the distribution of flyers within the residence halls.
- The destruction or removal of another candidate’s campaign materials is strictly prohibited. Any person found in violation may be subject to disciplinary action for vandalism. If another candidate is caught destroying or removing another candidate’s campaign materials, they will automatically be disqualified.
- All candidates are responsible for removing all campaign materials, residue left by adhesive, and any trash created by their campaign within one (1) week following the last day of elections. If a candidate fails to do so, a $50 fine per day will result.
Section 6. Cabinet Elections
- The Executive Vice President must notify the Public Relations Committee within two (2) weeks of the first election day of the voting dates and time for the purposes of advertising.
- The ballots will be created in Microsoft Forms by the Executive Vice-President and their representatives no more than twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the first election day.
- All voting will be done by secret ballot, conducted by the Executive Vice President and their representatives. Anyone who appears on the ballot may not be a part of the elections process in any way. If the Executive Vice President is on the ballot, the Executive President or their appointed representative will perform any duties that may be considered a conflict of interest.
- All SGA members (except those appearing on the ballot) must help run the elections at the discretion of the Executive Vice President or presiding officer.
- Only registered Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors who are not graduating that year may vote. Each person may only cast one (1) vote.
- A majority by popular vote is required to win.
- The outcome of elections will be communicated to all candidates either by phone, email, or in person the same night that the polls close.
- In the event of a tie, a runoff election will be held 48 hours (or two (2) class days in the event of a weekend) after the original voting period.
- The Executive Vice-President (with help if needed from the Executive Secretary or SGA Advisor) will send an email to the Student Body, Faculty and Staff announcing the results of the election within twenty-four (24) hours of the closing of the voting period, which will remain open no less than six (6) hours.
- Elections cannot be contested on the basis of non-knowledge of voting times or candidate eligibility based on credit hours/ voter registration. The students’ duration of study and permission from registrar overrides credit hours in all cases.
- Candidates will be given the right to know the results of their election upon their request.
- Candidates must contact the SGA Advisor within one (1) week after the election in order to call for a recount. The digital ballots will be destroyed one (1) week after the election.
Section 7. Class Officer and Senator-At-Large Elections
- Only members of the respective class, based on credit hours or entry term and duration of degree, may vote on Class officers for that class.
- All election guidelines found in Section 5. Cabinet Elections will apply to Class Officer and Senator-At-Large elections unless otherwise noted within this section.
Section 8. Freshman Class Officer Elections
Any student from the freshman class, can vote for the freshman candidate(s). Freshman Class officers will begin their term immediately following the election. All election guidelines are found in Section 5. Cabinet Elections will apply to the Freshman Class officer election unless otherwise noted within this section.
Section 1. Nominations
- Nominations will be held no fewer than two weeks before the Homecoming football game. The entire Student Body (regardless of being registered to vote) consisting of all freshman, sophomores, and juniors will nominate two males and two females from their respective classes according to credit hour. Seniors will nominate four males and four females from their class. Exceptions will be made only for voters and nominees that were previously registered to vote with another class. In these cases, the student may be classified with the class with which they registered.
- Campaigning for Homecoming is prohibited, and the following should be sent out with the electronic ballot: “Please note that campaigning for Homecoming Court is strictly prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to the use of fliers, posters, social media posts, word-of-mouth, bribing, etc. Anyone found campaigning for Homecoming Court will be disqualified. Understand, that Homecoming Court positions are not elected positions but rather an honor that is bestowed upon you for your commitment to Catawba College.”
- The ballot is such that there are blank spaces for nominations.
- Nominations will be held at least 48 hours prior to the elections.
- The Executive Vice President will inform the Public Relations Committee of the voting dates and times to be advertised appropriately for nominations, elections, and Homecoming King and Queen.
- Homecoming elections will be open to the entire Student Body and will be based on Catawba College records according to credit hour. Exceptions will only be made in cases where students’ duration of study signifies that the student represents a different class. All election guidelines found in Section 5. Cabinet Elections will apply to Homecoming elections as necessary or unless otherwise noted within this section. Seniors who are graduating may vote for Homecoming King and Queen & Mr. and Miss Catawba.
- Homecoming Elections will be decided via a form sent to the entire Student Body by the Executive Vice President, who will then work with the registrar in determining accuracy of the votes.
- Classes within this election will be defined as follows: Senior class: any day student with 90+ credit hours plus anyone who registered to vote with the class that will graduate that year, Junior class: any day student with 60-89 credit hours plus any student who registered to vote with the class to graduate one year after the current senior class, Sophomore class: any day student with 30-59 credit hours plus any student who registered to vote with the class to graduate two years after the current senior class, Freshman class: any student will 0-29 credit hours plus any student who registered to vote with the class to graduate three years after the current senior class.
Section 2. Freshman, Sophomore and Junior Homecoming Courts
- The Homecoming ballots will consist of the four (4) males and four (4) females from each class who received the most nominations. All homecoming rules apply (see Article VIII, Section 1. Part E).
- Elections will be held at least 48 hours following the nominations. Members of each class shall have only one (1) class vote and vote for one (1) male and one (1) female appearing on the ballot.
- The one (1) male and one (1) female candidate receiving the most votes will win a spot on their class Homecoming Court.
- In the event of a tie, both candidates will be accepted to the Homecoming Court.
- A campus wide email will be sent out by the Executive Vice President (with help from the Executive Secretary or SGA Advisor as needed) the next day notifying the Student Body, Faculty, and Staff of the winners.
Section 3. Senior Homecoming Court
- The Senior class ballots will consist of the eight (8) males and eight (8) females who received the most nominations. Mr. and/or Ms. Catawba are not eligible for Homecoming Court. If nominated, their nominations will be ignored, and replaced with the next eligible student with the next most nominations.
- Elections will be held 48 hours following the nomination. Members of the senior class shall vote for up to three (3) males and three (3) females appearing on the ballot.
- The three (3) male and three (3) female candidates receiving the most votes win a spot on their class Homecoming Court.
- In the event of a tie, both candidates will be accepted to the Homecoming Court.
- A campus wide email will be sent out by the Executive Vice President (with help from the Executive Secretary or SGA Advisor as needed) the next day notifying the Student Body, Faculty and Staff of the winners.
Section 4. Homecoming King and Queen
- The ballot for Homecoming King and Queen will consist of the three (3) male and three (3) female Senior Homecoming Court representatives. Elections will be held one (1) week following the original elections.
- Members of each class shall also have only one (1) vote and vote for one (1) male and (1) one female appearing on the King and Queen ballot.
- The one (1) male and one (1) female candidate receiving the most votes wins the title of Homecoming King and Queen.
- In the event of a tie, runoffs will be held 24 hours after the King and Queen Election.
- Results of the election will be announced during halftime of the Homecoming football game.
- During halftime, Mr. and Miss Catawba (and/or SGA Executive President—unless other- wise involved with the ceremony) will first present the winners of the freshmen, sophomore, and junior courts. Second, they will present the three (3) males and three (3) females of the senior court. Lastly, they will present the Homecoming King and Queen after the winner discovery process.
- The Executive Vice President, via a private email in a sealed envelope, will give the announcer of the football game or other selected representative the class King and Queen names and bios to read during the presentation. They will also be given the names and bios of the senior court nominees to read. After the winner discovery process, the announcer will announce the Homecoming King and Queen.
- Candidates for the position of Mr. and Ms. Catawba will be members of the rising senior class as decided by the Mr. and Ms. Catawba nominations committee. Candidates must have a minimum of 60 credit hours completed to be considered for Mr. and Ms. Catawba nominations. Preliminary nominations for Mr. and Ms. Catawba will be selected by a committee consisting of the Junior Class President, Senior Class President, SGA Executive President, SGA Executive Vice-President, and the SGA Advisors. The committee should ask for the list of students with at least 60 credit hours from the Office of the Registrar. The number of candidates shall consist of no fewer than twenty (20) males and twenty (20) females, but no more than thirty (30) males and thirty (30) females who have exemplified the qualities of leadership, participation, and service to the College community. If desired, the committee may also bring in other students, faculty, and staff to assist with preliminary nominations.
- Upon nomination, each candidate will be contacted to see if they will accept the nomination. If they do not accept the nomination, they will no longer be eligible to be considered. If they do accept the nomination, they must fill out a Mr. or Miss Catawba application. Failure to do so by a time specified by the application deadline will result in automatic forfeiture of nomination.
- All applications must be submitted to the SGA Advisors prior to the application deadline.
- A committee consisting of the SGA Advisors, Dean of Students, Assistant or Director of Campus Life; at least two (2) faculty members representing different disciplines; one (1) member of Student Affairs (in addition to SGA Advisor(s) if applicable); and other appropriate representatives as needed per the SGA Advisor(s).
- The committee will narrow down the nominations to no less than five (5) males and five (5) females to be placed on the ballot.
- Voting for Mr. and Ms. Catawba will be on a date specified by the Executive Vice-President and SGA Advisors. All students may cast one (1) vote for Mr. and Ms. Catawba. At the voting site, portions of the application submitted by the candidates (photos and bios at minimum) will be displayed for consideration by the Student Body.
- Winners will be determined by popular vote (i.e. who receives the most votes). In the event of a tie, a run-off election will be held.
- The winners of Mr. and Ms. Catawba shall act as a liaison for Catawba College at any events deemed necessary including Homecoming Court.
- Winners of the Mr. & Ms. Catawba election will be announced to the college community at Awards Convocation of the same calendar year.
- Voting for Faculty and Staff Member of the Year will occur at the same time as voting for Mr. and Miss Catawba. Preliminary nominations will be solicited from the Student Body through email and recommendations will be brought to the Congress meeting. All members of Congress will review nominations, have the opportunity to add additional names for consideration, and narrow the list to no less than three (3) and no more than five (5) faculty and staff members (in their respective categories).
- The persons receiving the most votes in each category will win. In the event of a tie, both members of the faculty or staff will be honored.
- Winners of the Faculty & Staff Member of Year award will be announced to the college community at Awards Convocation of the same year.
Article XI: SGA Travel Scholarship
Section 1. Composition
The SGA Academic Travel Scholarship is designed to provide aid to students attending academic conferences. Students who meet the necessary criteria as established in the scholarship matrix, who have filled out the application, and who have a faculty attendance verification form will be reviewed by the SGATS committee. Each applicant can be eligible for a maximum of $250 per annum. The scholarship will be awarded based on the student's GPA, graduation year, and whether or not they are presenting at the conference. Each applicant must hold a minimum of a 3.0 GPA — with no less than a 2.5 in their major. Students with a 3.0 or higher in their major are given preferential status in award considerations. After allocating funding to students with a 3.0 or higher in their major, students with a 2.5 or higher in their major are eligible to receive any funds left over. Students with less than a 2.5 in their major, are not eligible to receive funds. Students presenting at conferences are given preferential status over those not presenting in award considerations. Students who are presenting at multiple conferences must submit multiple applications, but cannot receive more than $250 combined amongst all applications. Applications for the SGATS are due September 15th for the Fall semester and February 1 for the Spring semester. Faculty Sponsor forms are also due at the same time of the applications. Applications will not be reviewed if it is missing the faculty sponsor form. Applications for scholarship must be submitted during the semester in which the conference takes place. There is a total of 10% of the Student Activities fund that is allocated per annum for travel scholarships. This is to be split between the Fall and Spring semesters, with up to 5% being awarded in the Fall and then again in the Spring.
Section 2. SGATS Committee Members
The SGATS shall consist of:
- The Executive Treasurer, who shall act as the chairperson
- The Executive President
- The SGA Advisor(s)
- At least Faculty members who are not Faculty Sponsors for applicants
Section 3. Responsibilities of the Chairperson of the SGATS
- Once the applications have been submitted, the chairperson must review the applications for completeness. If there are applications with missing faculty sponsor forms, the chairperson may deem it necessary to reach out to those applicants to ask for the sponsor form again, but they are not required to do so.
- The Chairperson must arrange a committee meeting time within 2 weeks of the application due date.
- The Chairperson must put together the committee, including the Executive president, the SGA Advisors, and 1 or 2 faculty members that are not sponsors of applicants.
- After the applications have been reviewed, the Chairperson must send out award letters or denials to the applicants within a week. These letters must also include the liability form. The applicants must sign both their award letter and fill out the liability form, and return it back to the Chairperson’s campus mailbox within a week of receiving the award letter.
- Once the Chairperson has received the award letters and liability forms back, they must review the forms and make sure they are all correct. These forms must then be turned into Accounts Payable, within 2 business days.
Section 4. Rules of the SGATS
Recipients of the scholarship award must complete all forms, or they will be held personally responsible for paying back the full amount of the award. These forms include the application, signed award letter, liability form, faculty attendance verification, Conference review form, and receipt count form. The application and faculty attendance verification forms are due be- fore reviewing the application. The signed award letter and liability form are due within a week of receiving the award letter. The Conference Review form and the receipt count form are due within a week of returning from the conference. Exceptions to the review form and receipt count form are when the conference has taken place before the award has been given. In this case, these forms will be due within a week of receiving the award letter. Students who receive funding from the SGATS shall receive a check from the school in the awarded amount. The funds received must go directly to the students. Funding may not be transferred into other school accounts or to faculty/staff.
Revised April 2024
Questions, Comments or Concerns?
Questions, Comments or Concerns?
If you have an SGA-related question, comment or concern that you would like to see addressed, please e-mail SGA President Katelyn Cothren.